34 Istanbul

Bridges and highways free of charge

Bridges and highways to be free during the holiday: Government spokesman Bülent Arınç gave good news to the citizens in his statement after the Council of Ministers. Here is more information about the toll on bridges and highways [more…]

70 Karaman

Karamana cable car project on the road

Karamana cable car project is on the way: Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Lütfi Elvan pressed the button for new mega projects in Karaman and investment projects started to take shape. TRAMWAYS TO Karaman in 2015 [more…]

Asphalt News

Asphalt Works in Beyşehir

Asphalt Works Continue in Beyşehir: Asphalt works carried out by Konya's Beyşehir District Municipality continue. Beyşehir Mayor Murat Özaltun, in his statement, said that the ongoing [more…]

Asphalt News

7 Thousand Meter Route Asphalt

The 7 Thousand Meter Route is Being Asphalted: Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality Department of Technical Affairs continues its asphalt works in Karapürçek district. Uludere Street and Kanlıçay Mahalle road [more…]


Bridge to Democracy Boulevard

Bridge to Democracy Boulevard: Highways added an overpass to the 'Democracy Boulevard' near the Small Industrial Site. The 'Democracy Boulevard' of the Gültepe neighborhood, which is divided into two by the Batman-Kozluk highway, has an overpass. switch panel [more…]

34 Istanbul

Metro accident injured passengers spoke

The passenger injured in the subway accident spoke: Fatih Çoban, who was injured as a result of an iron rod stuck in his hip in the accident that occurred yesterday in the Istanbul subway, said that he would file a complaint. Metro accident in Seyrantepe [more…]


Bornova is getting a new boulevard

Bornova is Reaching a New Boulevard: The third stage of the connection road that will connect Kaptan İbrahim Hakkı Street, which is among the transportation works of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, to Manisa road. [more…]


Latest situation in Samsun metrobus project

Latest situation in Samsun metrobus project: Samsun Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Yusuf Ziya Yılmaz announced that the preferential road project, which is one of the most modern systems of public transportation, will be carried out to the west of the city. [more…]