Alo 170 How to Apply? How Does Alo 170 Line Service? Alo 170 Paid?

hello how to apply for a job
hello how to apply for a job

Job applications are made via the alo 170 line, with the launch of İŞKUR's application on the internet. In addition, with ALO 170, the complaint center for unresolved problems in the workplace and employment of uninsured workers.

The Family, Labor and Social Services Communication Center provides all kinds of information about working life and social security;

  • Question,
  • Proposal,
  • Criticism,
  • Notice,
  • Complaint,
  • It was established in order to be able to resolve your applications and requests effectively and quickly.

You can call the Family, Labor and Social Services Communication Center “ALO 170” 7 hours a day, 24 days a week.

Our contact center, Family, Labor and Social Security Authority and the Ministry of Social Services and Turkey make informed regarding all services offered by the Employment Agency and manufactures solutions.

All calls to our Communication Center are answered directly by experts and the requests are tried to be concluded in the first meeting. In cases where calls cannot be answered immediately, institutions and organizations are contacted immediately and requests are answered within 72 hours at the latest.

Particularly, individuals who are exposed to dismissals, forced unpaid leave and similar practices during the pandemic process we are in apply to the ALO 170 line to learn about their rights and seek their rights.

How Does Alo 170 Line Service?

Calls falling to 170 are answered by the personnel who have full knowledge of regulations, laws and regulations. Generally, it is aimed to solve the problems in the first calls made by the citizens.

For questions and notices that cannot be resolved with a single call, call center personnel take the necessary records and process them, and these applications are concluded in a short time. Prolonged transactions are concluded within 72 hours at the latest and the applicant citizens are informed about the issue. Alo170's official website to query the notifications made It will also be possible to access the notification inquiry screen via. From here, citizens will be able to access and have an idea at what stage their transactions are by entering their TR ID numbers and notification numbers.

Hello 170 Online

Using the online transactions offered on the official website of the Alo 170 line, the requested application, notification or complaints will be made much faster and easier. Online transactions; It provides transactions in the form of a notice-complaint line, video support line, live support and frequently asked questions.

Alo 170 Job Applications

For Alo 170 job applications, you can search on İşkur page and apply online. Here You can view İşkur call center personnel recruitment postings by clicking.

Is Alo 170 Paid?

Serving as the live support line of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, ALO 170 is a paid service and the pricing is generally six minutes - three and a half Turkish lira priced as. This service is used by thousands of citizens every day. Citizens can call ALO 170 on their phones when they want quick information and assistance on social rights, labor law and other relevant legal procedures. Citizens can ask the representatives in this service what they are curious about about business rights, social rights and legal rights.

On Which Subjects Can I Call ALO 170?

ALO receives approximately 170 million calls in 20 years. Most of the calls are just denunciations. Problems are mostly resolved during the interview and some of them are made into applications. Citizens can call ALO 170 for information and assistance on:

  • service breakdown
  • report fee
  • unemployment insurance
  • health activation process
  • emeklilik
  • business arrangement
  • dowry, breastfeeding and funeral allowances
  • working fee
  • severance pay and more
  • overtime
  • no insurance
  • low salary
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