Railway is a sine qua non of the Black Sea

Railway is the sine qua non of the Black Sea: Giresun TSO President Hasan Çakırmelikoğlu, recently Iran and the world's re-integration of the Central Asian market, Erzincan-Gumushane-Giresun -Trabzon railway project has turned into a necessity, he said.

Giresun has produced solutions for important transportation problems in the last five years, but there are many other investment needs in the region.

Çakırmelikoğlu said, yatırım Today, the railways and 3.OSB projects focused on the eastern part of our province should be taken into the absolute investment program. We know that the railway is not just the acquisition of Giresun or the Eastern Black Sea Region, but a strategic investment of our country. The recent re-integration of Iran and the World is turning the Central Asian market Erzincan-Gümüşhane-Giresun -Trabzon railway project into a necessity. Therefore, it is imperative that we bow together on the railway project and bring this to our province. The sensitivities of the region on this issue are also obvious Bu.