Arus-Urge Workshop was held

Arus-Urge Workshop was Held: It was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel with the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Transport officials, ARUS Management and 40 ARUS-URGE companies. In the workshop, in the world and in Turkey [more…]


Bridge to Espiye Bahçecik Village

Bridge to Espiye Bahçecik Village: The bridge under construction in Bahçecik village of Espiye District, for which project and supervision services were provided by the Special Provincial Administration, has been completed. Service to Espiye Villages [more…]


E-Kent from Bulgaria Extraction

Bulgaria from E-Kent: Offering the high-tech products required by modern urbanism, E-Kent introduced a new technology in public transportation at the conference organized by ICT Clusters under the sponsorship of the Bulgarian Ministry of Transport. [more…]

logistics centers railway

TCDD Logistics Centers

TCDD Logistics Centers: Logistics centers, which are seen as the heart of modern freight transportation and develop combined transportation by integrating with other transportation systems, have begun to be established in our country. city ​​center [more…]

Baskentray Stations and Timetables
06 Ankara

Başkentray Project

Başkentray Project: in Ankara; With the BAŞKENTRAY Project, which aims to upgrade suburban lines to metro standard; 6 roads between Ankara-Behiçbey, 5 roads between Behiçbey-Sincan, 4 roads between Ankara-Kayaş [more…]