Ankara Metro Stations Time and Map

Ankara Metro Lines Stations
Ankara Metro Lines Stations

Turkey's capital of Ankara on public transport services that Ankara Metropolitan Municipality General Directorate of EGO rail transport network. The existing Ankara rail transport network consists of light rail systems, subway, cable car and suburban systems, and public transport vehicles operated by EGO consist of four parts:

  1. Ankaray by name Sewing House “Light rail system açılan opened in August 30,
  2. With the name of Ankara Metro Kızılay Batıkent December 28 heavy rail system in operation at 1997.
  3. 12 on February 2014 Batıkent OSB Torekent line and one month thereafter;
  4. 13 on March 2014 Red Crescent Protect line has been opened for service. There are a total of 45 stations between Kizilay which is the transfer station between Ankaray and Ankara metro system.

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Ankaray 8,527 km. Ankara Subway M1 16,661 km. + M2 16,590 km + M3 15,360 km length of this four-rail transportation system, the total 55,140 km. long.

In Ankara Metro, the Keçiören line is still under construction. In addition, a new line construction is planned between Esenboğa Airport and Kızılay.

A1 Ankaray Light Rail System

Ankara's first light rail system, the construction of which began in April 7, was completed on 1992 August 30 and was put into service on the Dikimevi AŞTİ route.

ankaray stations ankara
ankaray stations ankara

Ankaray Stations

  1. Dressmaker
  2. Salvation (transfer: Sincan-Kayaş Commuter Train Line)
  3. Rail
  4. Red Crescent (transfer: M1, M2)
  5. Demirtepe
  6. Malta
  7. Anadolu
  8. Besevler
  9. Bahçelievler
  10. Emek
  11. ASTI
  12. Söğütözü (Under Construction)


Construction of the first subway of Ankara began on March 29. 1993 metro line located on the route of Kızılay Batıkent was completed on December 28 and opened for service.

m1 ankara metro stations
m1 ankara metro stations

Batıkent Metro Stations

  1. Red Crescent (transfer: Ankaray)
  2. Sanitation (transfer: Sincan-Kayas Commuter Train Line)
  3. Nation
  4. Atatürk Cultural Center
  5. Akköprü
  6. ivedik
  7. Yenimahalle (Transfer: Yenimahalle-Şentepe Cable Car Line)
  8. Demetevler
  9. Hospital
  10. Macunköy
  11. Ostim
  12. Batikent


The construction of the metro line on the Kizilay Koru route started on 27 September 2002. Tamamlayamayın Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, the construction of the Republic of Turkey Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications Ministry took over and finished on March 13 2014.

m2 kizilay cayyolu metro line
m2 kizilay cayyolu metro line

Cayyolu Metro Stations

  1. Red Crescent (transfer: Ankaray)
  2. Necatibey
  3. National Library
  4. Sogutozu (Transfer: Ankaray)
  5. MTA
  6. Middle East Technical University
  7. Bilkent
  8. Ministry of Agriculture / Council of State
  9. Beytepe
  10. Umitkoy
  11. Çayyolu
  12. grove


Construction works of the metro line on Batıkent OSB Torekent route started on February 19. Tamamlayamayın Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, the construction of the Republic of Turkey Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications Ministry took over and finished on February 2001 12.

ankara m3 subway stations
ankara m3 subway stations

Torekent Metro Stations

  1. Batikent
  2. West Center
  3. Kitchen
  4. Botany
  5. Istanbul Road
  6. Eryaman 1-2
  7. Eryaman 5
  8. State Mah.
  9. Wonderland
  10. Fatih
  11. GOP
  12. OSB Torekent


The construction of the metro line on the Red Crescent Casino route started on 15 July 2003. Tamamlayamayın Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, the construction of the Republic of Turkey Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications Ministry has taken over.

ankara m4 kecioren metro stations
ankara m4 kecioren metro stations

Kecioren Subway Stations

  1. Red Crescent (transfer: Ankaray, M1, M2)
  2. Courthouse
  3. Gar
  4. AKM
  6. Exterior door
  7. Meteorology
  8. municipality
  9. Mecidiye
  10. wellhead
  11. Dutluk
  12. Casino

ESENBOĞA Airport METRO (Planning Stage)

It is planned to be built between Kızılay and Esenboğa Airport. Metro is. Construction Transportation Republic of Turkey, will be carried out by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Communications. The total line length of the metro is 5 km. The average distance between the stations is 25,366 km. 1,708 station is planned to be:

Esenboga Metro Stations

  1. Medic
  2. Youth Park
  3. View Hacı's Full Profile
  4. Aktas
  5. Gülveren
  6. sites
  7. Ulubey
  8. Solfasol
  9. North Ankara
  10. Pursaklar-1
  11. Pursaklar-2
  12. SARAY
  13. Autonomy
  14. Fairground
  15. Esenboğa Airport

Ankara TCDD Railway and Metro Map:

Yenimahalle Şentepe Cable Car Line

The tender for the ropeway system between Yenimahalle – Şentepe was made on 13.02.2012 date and in accordance with 172 decision of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Council and route and system were clarified as a result of technical negotiations. The contract was signed with the contractor company on the 15.08.2012 date and the construction of the line commenced on 26.03.2013.

  • Yenimahalle Şentepe Cable Car SystemOne-way 2400 person / hour capacity public transportation is planned. Yenimahalle metro station starting from the line and the center of Şentepe provides transportation from the air.
  • The length of the ropeway system where the 4 cabin with 106 stops between Yenimahalle and Şentepe will move simultaneously is 3257 m.
  • Each cabin enters a station at 15 seconds, and the 13.5 minute difference in 200 meters and the approximate distance of 3257 meters are exceeded in XNUMX minutes.
  • The ropeway system that connects Yenimahalle metro station and Şentepe center brings the metro departures to Şentepe in a short time without waiting.
  • In Ankara, the ropeway system that works synchronized with the metro does not put additional load on the roads by helping to ease the traffic.
  • It is easily used by disabled, elderly, children and everyone.

Map of Yenimahalle Sentepe Cable Car

yenimahalle sentepe cable car line
Map of Yenimahalle Sentepe Cable Car


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