The 600 square meter giant Turkish flag, which can be seen from anywhere in Bursa, started to wave on its 100 meter pole.
Bursa Metropolitan Municipality has added a new one to its projects realized within the framework of the cultural capital. The 100 square meter giant Turkish Flag hoisted on a 600 meter pole on the Uludağ road will be visible from every point of Bursa. Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Alinur Aktaş, accompanying the hoisting of the Turkish flag in Bayrak Tepe, said, “This flag is located in the area where the water tank of BUSKİ on the Uludağ road is located. In the future, there will also be a very nice viewing terrace here. We will have finished the work on environmental regulations in the spring. The 100 square meter Turkish flag will fly on the 600 meter high pole. It can be seen from all over Bursa. I hope our families will come and see this national pride and excitement. There will also be flags of the member states of TURKSOY on the field. It's worth it all for the project that cost around 17 million. Whatever side of Bursa we look at, we will experience this pride and excitement together. May my Lord not bring down our crescent and star flag from the sky," he said.
The giant Turkish flag fluttering in harmony with the wind in the sky was viewed from the air with a drone.