The daily 3 train from Sincan to Polatli departs from the city center ward. All trains passing through Sincan Polatlı stations are DMU type trains belonging to TCDD State Railways. The trains are Pulman type wagons with seats. There is no food and beverage service on the Sincan Polatlı TCDD Regional Train.
Sincan Polatlı train tickets can only be purchased at the ticket offices on the day of travel. Train tickets for TCDD Regional Trains are without numbers and there is no reservation.
Ankara> Sincan> Polatlı Route Train Times | |||
Station Name | 1. Train | 2. Train | 3. Train |
Ankara Railway Station | x | 12:00 | 18:05 |
Xinjiang | 05:45 | 12:17 | 18:22 |
the Sazpınar | 05:48 | 12:20 | 18:25 |
the Türkoba | 06:03 | 12:35 | 18:40 |
Malıköy | 06:08 | 12:40 | 18:45 |
based | 06:14 | 12:46 | 18:51 |
northeaster | 06:19 | 12:51 | 18:56 |
New born | 06:23 | 12:55 | 19:00 |
Polatli | 06:35 | 13:07 | 19:12 |
Polatlı> Sincan> Ankara Route Train Times | |||
Station Name | 1. Train | 2. Train | 3. Train |
Polatli | 07:00 | 13:30 | 19:20 |
New born | 07:13 | 13:43 | 19:33 |
northeaster | 07:17 | 13:47 | 19:37 |
based | 07:22 | 13:52 | 19:44 |
Malıköy | 07:28 | 13:58 | 19:50 |
the Türkoba | 07:33 | 14:03 | 19:55 |
the Sazpınar | 07:48 | 14:18 | 20:10 |
Xinjiang | 07:51 | 14:21 | 20:13 |
Ankara Railway Station | 08:08 | 14:38 | 20:30 |
ANKARA GAR: 0312 309 05 15 / 336 Information - (05.30 - 22.00)
SİNCAN GAR: 0312 270 21 69 - (06.00 - 22.30)
POLATLI GAR: 0312 620 84 41 - (06.00 - 22.00)