Chairman Aktaş: “We are planning the future of Bursa in transportation Başkan

Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Alinur Aktas said that they prepared the Transport Master Plan, which will enable the transportation infrastructure, investments and arrangements of the city to be planned in a planned manner, based on the 2035 projection of Bursa.
Alinur Aktaş, who continues his work in the city center and works in line with an easily reachable Bursa destination from outside the city, has received information from Boğaziçi Project officials about the Transportation Master Plan.

President Aktaş emphasized that they will prepare the Transportation Master Plan of Bursa by not considering the 18-20 years after the 1960-2035 year, rather than the recent and simple calculations. . We do not want to fall into the same wrong. Taking into consideration the population and travel increases that may occur in and after XNUMX in Bursa, we are planning the future in the real sense. Bursa

Aktaş stated that they have been working on finding solutions to the problems of the city since the first day, and reminded that the most talked about issue is transportation in Bursa. In this context, underlining that the solution applications were first initiated for the relief of city traffic, President Aktaş said “We have made significant progress in the breathing of urban traffic in a short time with road extensions, additional strips and smart junction applications in the main arteries. The 27 of the 11 spot, where the density was determined, provided relief at the rate of 35 in the traffic. On the one hand, to shed light on the future of the city, the Master Plan of Transport have started preparations Bir he said.

In relation to the Master Plan of Transportation, President Aktaş reminded that the first meeting was held in May with representatives of mayors, mukhtars and non-governmental organizations in May, President Aktaş said that the works have been going on since then. President Aktas stated that field studies, traffic and vehicle analyzes were carried out within the scope of preparations, and ler the population projection of the city was revealed. Traffic mobility of the population was determined. According to the data, daily vehicle mobility in the Acemler region of Bursa was determined as 15 bin. 210 bini of vehicle traffic occurs only in the morning and evening. We have learned that this rate is in 150 thousand values ​​even in Istanbul 15 July Martyrs Bridge. On the other hand, it was determined that the per capita travel mobility of 180 thousand 3 million is same with Istanbul. These figures show us once again how much Bursa needs transportation planning and investment planning, ie the Master Plan of Transport,, he said.

In the forthcoming period, President Aktas explained that they will meet several times together with the team that is continuing their preparations for the plans and they will determine their investment planning accordingly.