Vuslat Fertility in YHT

Reunion Blessings at YHT: Konya, which hosted 70 thousand guests in the Reunion Ceremonies last year, aims to reach at least 80 thousand this year. Last year, 70 people attended the Reunion Ceremonies. [more…]

35 Izmir

İZBAN brake was not removed

İZBAN did not release the brakes on the workplace chief representative: The Security-Work Union affiliated with TÜRK-İş filed a reinstatement lawsuit against Izmir İZBAN Workplace Chief Representative Mustafa Özgüç after he was dismissed due to unionization efforts. [more…]

Metrobus Journey Tricks
34 Istanbul

The Tips of the Metrobus Journey

Tips for Metrobus Travel: Metrobus against the dizzying traffic of Istanbul; Everyone uses it, rich, poor, workers, civil servants, men and women. Metrobus, one of the most troublesome public transportation vehicles in Istanbul [more…]


Mayor Kocamaz, Let the Monoraya

Mayor Kocamaz, Let the Companies Come with Loans and Build the Monorail: Mersin Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Burhanettin Kocamaz stated that they made the application last August for the Monorail Project to be included in the 2016 Program, [more…]

metrobus sofor in Istanbul will work with protective overalls
34 Istanbul

Revolt of a Metrobus Driver

Both passengers and drivers complain about the metrobus, one of the most problematic public transportation vehicles in Istanbul... Metrobus; Everyone, rich or poor, workers or civil servants, men or women, uses it. One metrobus driver per day [more…]