Sufficient number of candidates to be assigned to the Istanbul Representation of the Capital Markets Board (the Board), to the General Administrative Services class, up to 8 Assistant Specialists with an 30th degree staff and up to 8 Assistant Specialists in the Lawyer Services class, considering their success. An entrance examination will be held for personnel selection.
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1- Fulfilling the general conditions stated in sub-clause (A) of Article 657 of the Civil Servants Law No.48,
2- For 30 Assistant Expert staff;
- In the Public Personnel Selection Exam (KPSS) conducted by ÖSYM in 2019 or 2020, KPSSP1, KPSSP2, KPSSP3, KPSSP17, KPSSP18, KPSSP23, KPSSP25, KPSSP26, KPSSP27, KPSSP28, KPSSP44, KPSSP45, KPSSP46 (Seventy-five) and above among the applicants with the highest score of 47 (If the number of candidates in the 48th rank is more than one due to their equal score, all of these candidates will be invited to the exam.),
- Political Sciences, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Economics, Business, Business and Economics, Business and Management Sciences, Law, Science, Science and Literature, Engineering, Commercial Sciences, Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Applied Sciences, Management Sciences Faculties and 4 Actuary, Actuarial Sciences, Banking, Banking and Finance, Banking and Finance, Banking and Insurance, Labor Economics and Industry, which are departments of Banking and Insurance, Tourism Management and Information Sciences, Applied Sciences, Applied Technology and Business, Applied Foreign Languages. Relations, Econometrics, Economics / Economics, Economics and Finance, Industrial Engineering, Industrial Systems Engineering, Law, Economics, Statistics, Statistics and Computer Sciences, Business, Business Management, Business Information Management, Business Informatics, Business Engineering, Business-Economics, Public Management, Global and International Affairs, Finance, Accounting, Accounting Information Si Accounting and Auditing, Accounting and Finance Management, Accounting and Financial Management, Accounting and Finance Teaching, Marketing, Capital Markets, Capital Market Auditing and Rating, Insurance, Insurance and Risk Management, Political Science, Political Science and Public Administration, Political Science and International Relations, International Relations, International Trade and Finance, International Finance, International Relations and European Union, International Business, International Business Management, International Business, International Trade, International Trade and Business, International Trade and Marketing, Management Information Systems, Actuarial and Risk Management, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Financial Econometrics, Real Estate Development and Management, Real Estate and Asset Valuation, Real Estate and Asset Evaluation, Entrepreneurship, Islamic Economics and Finance, Global Politics and International Relations, Capital Markets and Portfolio Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science Graduating from the departments of Business, Insurance and Social Security, Technology and Information Management, International Finance and Banking, International Entrepreneurship, International Business and Trade, International Trade and Finance, Management Sciences or foreign faculties or colleges recognized by the competent authorities as equivalent to the above,
3- For the staff of 10 Assistant Lawyers;
- In the Public Personnel Selection Exam (KPSS) held by ÖSYM in 2019 or 2020, being among the 1 applicants with the highest score of 2 (seventy five) or above from any of the types of points KPSSP3, KPSSP4, KPSSP8, KPSSP9, KPSSP11, KPSSP75 and KPSSP200. (If the number of candidates in the 200th rank is more than one due to their equal score, all of these candidates will be invited to the exam.)
- Graduating from foreign faculties or colleges that are accepted by law faculties or competent authorities to be equivalent to them and have completed their attorney internship or be able to submit their internship completion certificate to the Board at the latest 1 week before the date of the oral examination (those who do not bring the internship certificate within the said period are not taken to the oral exam)
4- Not being over the age of 01 as of January 2021, 35,
5 - Not having a provision against an act that is considered a crime according to the Capital Market Law and other financial laws,
6 - Not giving false information and documents or making any declarations due to entry procedures.
Making the exam applications between 27.04.2021 - 11.05.2021 by filling out the "Application Form", which can be accessed from the official website of our Board (spk.gov.tr), after the form is filled in, it will be printed out on the system and the photocopy of the education certificate will be sent on 18.05.2021. It must be sent by hand or by mail to the Ankara headquarters address of the Board until 16:00 on the date of 18.05.2021. Applications entered into the Board records after 16:00 on XNUMX, including delays in the post, will not be taken into consideration.