Tight Traffic Precautions Will Be Applied on Highways in Sacrifice Feast

Strict traffic measures will be implemented on highways during the sacrifice feast
Strict traffic measures will be implemented on highways during the sacrifice feast

The Ministry of Internal Affairs will implement strict traffic measures on highways to prevent possible traffic accidents due to the intensity of traffic that may occur during the Feast of Sacrifice. Within the scope of the festive traffic measures to be implemented on a 7/24 basis, a total of 77 thousand 545 traffic teams / teams and 162 traffic personnel will be on duty from the police and gendarmerie.

In accordance with the measures taken to prevent the coronavirus (COVID-81) outbreak worldwide, which was sent to the 2020 provincial governorships by the signature of Minister Süleyman Soylu, in order to prevent the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide, intensive traffic measures were planned to ensure that our citizens travel safely. .

In this context, our Deputy Ministers, our Gendarmerie General Commander, the General Directorate of Security, all the governors and district governors, as well as the Deputy General Directors of the General Directorate of Security, Deputy Commanders, Gendarmerie Training / Commando Brigade Commanders. and Heads of Departments, provincial / district police / gendarmerie directors / commanders will be on the road with the citizens, and will inspect the inspections on site.

In the instruction, it was stated that traffic measures were planned on the roads on a 29-hour basis for 2020 days between 04 July 2020 and 7 August 24. During this 7-day period; Along with the reinforcements received from the general service units, a total of 77.545 traffic teams / teams and 162.832 traffic personnel will be assigned from the police and gendarmerie.

Other Measures to be Taken in the Instruction of the Ministry to the Provinces are Listed as follows: Especially for the purpose of determining whether there is a need for additional measures in addition to the traffic measures taken at the accident black spots and routes; 29 teams consisting of 18 Police Chief Inspectors, 20 Gendarmerie Chief Inspectors / Inspectors, Chief of Police, Deputy General Managers and Heads of Departments will be on duty during the holiday.

39 teams consisting of 13 personnel by the General Directorate of Traffic in the Police Department, 8 teams consisting of 4 personnel by the Gendarmerie Traffic Services Department will be on duty at the routes. In addition, the generals working in the Gendarmerie General Command will visit the gendarmerie / traffic control point in official / civilian clothes in their places of duty, and those on leave, in order to examine the measures taken during the holiday of the sacrifice.

44 passenger buses will be monitored unannounced by a total of 268 civilian personnel, 67 from 61 different provincial routes from the center and 450 from 718 provinces to 1.436 different provincial routes.

Air Controls will be Emphasis

This holiday will also focus on aerial inspections by the General Directorate of Security and General Command of the Gendarmerie; A total of 14 provinces, including Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Antalya, Diyarbakir, Bursa, Mugla, Afyonkarahisar, Balikesir, Hatay, Kocaeli, Manisa, Mersin, and 89 provinces in neighboring provinces will be inspected by 74 hours of helicopter and 1233 hours by drone in XNUMX provinces. .

In 78 provinces, 767 (police 420 / gendarmerie 347) Model / Model Traffic Vehicles were placed on routes where accidents intensified to increase noise, with headlights and reflective strips. In order to increase the effectiveness of Model / Model Traffic Vehicles, 72 Model / Model Traffic Personnel were placed in 333 provinces.

Cleaning, Mask and Physical Distance Rules Will Be Complied In Audits

In the activities to be carried out by the traffic teams (communication / supervision / information), all personnel will comply with the cleaning, mask and physical distance rules in line with the suggestions of the Coronavirus Scientific Committee. In city and intercity passenger transportation; The necessary sensitivity will be shown based on the “Covid-19 Outbreak Management and Study Guide” prepared by the Ministry of Health Coronavirus Scientific Committee.

Traffic Teams Will Be Visible

When needed, mixed teams will be created by police and gendarmerie traffic teams to minimize rule violations and prevent fatal accidents, and a strong “Traffic Safety” perception will be created by sharing the studies with the media. The “perceived risk of catching risk” will be kept alive on the drivers by highlighting the “visibility” of the traffic crews on the highway routes so that the top lights are always on.

During the audits, vehicle drivers will be stopped and “Face to Face Communication” will be established within the framework of the rules of respect and courtesy, and long-distance drivers will be provided with a short break for XNUMX minutes every two hours to ensure that their “attention and concentration” is not distracted.

Average Speed ​​Controls Will Continue

Radar inspections; On the routes where speed accidents are concentrated, day / night hours will be carried out with a turning team.

“Average Speed” control will continue to be carried out on all highways with Average Speed ​​Detection System installed.

During the festive holidays in the last 3 years, the accidents were found to be intense, measures in 17 routes in 20 provinces will be planned more effectively and intensively, and teams will be assigned as a continuation of each other in such a way that no uncontrolled areas will be left on these routes.

Intercity Bus Controls

At the terminals / intermediate stations, the inspections will be increased, and the departure of intercity buses and pirate transportation will not be allowed, except for the terminal and permitted locations. All buses on the trip will be inspected, their drivers will be informed about not breaking the rules, drivers and passengers wearing seat belts during the journey, and drivers will be informed about “not talking with their mobile phones while driving”.

If permitted by intercity passenger buses, B2 / D2 licensed TUR vehicles; SRC documents, transportation contracts, reserve driver, tachograph (speed, working / resting times), whether the driver / card attached to the device belongs to the person driving the vehicle will be examined carefully.

Taking into account the accidents involving buses, especially between 02.00-08.00 and between 05.00-07.00, where the loss of attention due to insomnia / fatigue occurred, the drivers will be invited out of the vehicle, their necessary controls and rest will be provided.

If restrictions are imposed on vehicles within the scope of Special Permit / Special Cargo Transport Permit, they will not be allowed to traffic. If necessary, the heavy tonnage vehicles and agricultural vehicles will be kept temporarily in appropriate places until the traffic density ends on the routes where traffic is concentrated.

Traffic Measures Will Be Increased in Victim Sales / Slaughter Areas, Shopping Malls and Cemeteries

In the city centers, additional traffic measures will be increased in victim sales / slaughter areas, shopping malls and cemeteries where the people will be concentrated.

Considering that children can be found on streets and streets, in areas where vehicle / pedestrian accidents are intense, pedestrian sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, intersection systems, disabled parked vehicles in front of and on ramps will be removed immediately. Within the scope of the Pedestrian Priority Traffic Year, inspections and information activities regarding pedestrian priority / safety will continue without interruption.

24. Vehicles carrying seasonal agricultural workers will not be allowed to travel between 24.00-06.00. Agricultural agricultural vehicles, tractors, combine harvesters and similar vehicles will not be allowed to travel in traffic without taking necessary measures.

Training and supervision activities will be carried out together in order to raise awareness about the use of protective helmets and goggles on motor bike and motorcycle users and seat belts and child restraints in other vehicles.

In order to prevent the use of modified vehicles, inappropriate exhaust / light equipment and external sound systems, inspections will be made in target areas and times, and detected vehicles will be banned from traffic.

The controls for those who drive vehicles under the influence of alcohol and drugs will be especially focused between the hours of 24.00-02.00.

In all audits; “Life Tunnels” created with the slogan “A Short Break for Life” will be used effectively in educational activities aimed at informing / raising awareness about traffic safety for drivers and passengers.

The effectiveness of the "Application Tracking Project (UTP)", which monitors the positions and controls of the traffic crew and personnel on the route, will be monitored instantly from the center.

The road accident and accidents across the country will be monitored instantly and intervention will be provided by the “Traffic Accident Advisory Unit” affiliated to the EGM / Traffic Directorate. In order not to turn the joy of feast into pain, citizens will be informed about SMS safety, public spots, campaigns and continuous information regarding traffic safety during the feast and during the holiday period.