Following the obligatory wearing of masks in public areas, IMM distributed 100 thousand masks in buses, metro, metrobus and ferries. President Imamoglu said, “Please let us make use of the mask in this process.”
Within the scope of efforts to combat coronavirus; After it became necessary to wear masks in market places, markets and public transportation vehicles, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) distributed 100 thousand masks in public transportation on the first day.
IMM President Ekrem İmamoğluannounced that 100 thousand masks were distributed in public transportation vehicles today with its social media sharing.
Imamoğlu said, “It is now a mandatory measure to use masks in public transportation vehicles such as subways, metrobus, ferries and buses, and in crowded environments.
The masks were distributed in İBB, OTOBÜS AŞ and ÖHO buses owned by İBB, and in all rail systems operated by METRO İSTANBUL AŞ, ŞEHİR HATLARI AŞ and special passenger engines under the control of İBB.
Vehicle drivers and security guards warned the people of Istanbul to take masked public transportation vehicles by giving them to unmasked passengers. It was observed that the passengers were also satisfied with the application.