Continue Parking on Tram

Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality is turning the area where the old governor's building is located into a square and a parking lot. When the project, which is currently being implemented, is completed, a modern project will be brought to the region. above [more…]

35 Izmir

Single Heart for Izmir

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Aziz Kocaoğlu visited the Izmir provincial heads of CHP, MHP and İyi Party and gave them a file regarding the projects awaiting approval from Ankara. During visits [more…]

Intercity Railways

Denizli Industrialists Want Rail System

Independent Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (MÜSİAD) Denizli Branch President İsmail Biltekin stated that Denizli has many deficiencies in terms of logistics and that the rail system in Denizli should be addressed urgently. [more…]