06 Ankara

Minister Arslan: "We Make Our Highways Smart"

Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Ahmet Arslan stated that they have started to prepare the 2018-2020 Action Plan of the Ministry and that they have reached the final stage and said, “Our mission in the plan is to provide integrated, up-to-date transportation services to all modes of transportation. [more…]

06 Ankara

Smart Roads Rewards

Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Ahmet Arslan stated that they have started to prepare the 2018-2020 Action Plan of the Ministry and that they have reached the final stage and said, “Our mission in the plan is to provide integrated, up-to-date transportation services to all modes of transportation. [more…]

35 Izmir

The Names Leading Izmir Met on the Tram

The names that shape the economy of Izmir and the country met at Konak Tram, which started its pre-operation trips. Members of the Izmir Economic Development Coordination Board will take part in March at the Historical Coal Gas Factory. [more…]


1 Million Diyarkart Free Distributed

Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality, which aims to popularize the boarding pass system for regular and systematic public transportation services, has purchased 1 million Diyarkart cards, which were previously sold for a fee. [more…]


Smart Card Award to Gaziantep Card

The Gaziantep Card project, which was launched in 2017 as the most important move of Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Fatma Şahin's transformation move in public transportation, is AUSDER's smart transportation systems [more…]