Deputy Chief Physician Called the Nurse a Retard!

The Deputy Chief Physician Working in a State Hospital in Izmir Called the Nurses and Healthcare Workers in Charge "Idiots" and "Let the Patient Come and Do It in Your Mouth". Birlik Sağlık Sen Chairman Ahmet Doğruyol said the following words about this issue.

Deputy Chief Physician Called the Nurse a Retard!

Birlik Sağlık Sen Chairman Ahmet Doğruyol: From the assistant chief physician to the nurse in charge and healthcare professionals; “IDIOT”, “LET THE SICK COME AND PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH” insult. When a patient comes to the hospital, the district director of national education and the assistant chief physician direct him or her to the relevant service. Our healthcare worker friends ask for an ID from the manager who comes to the service, in accordance with the relevant legislation.

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The manager, who said that he did not have his ID with him and that the assistant chief physician directed him to the ward, addressed our healthcare workers who were doing their job and had been warned many times not to register patients without IDs in accordance with the legislation and said, "You will not be able to work here again." I am your superior's superior. I know how you came. I will search. You are ignorant. “We are the assistant chief physician………. Sent: Who are you? " " Search……. "Let these arrogant and arrogant people work somewhere else," he says, forcing our healthcare workers to register patients without identification. "Then you need to understand us better," he replies to our healthcare worker, shaking his finger and insulting us by saying "we are experiencing these problems because of ignorant people like you." The relevant manager, who stated that he would take the names of the personnel and investigate our personnel, takes the names of our personnel. He throws the pen in his hand at the healthcare workers and leaves the service.

What has happened so far are the events that our healthcare professionals often experience. The painful and sad part is that the Deputy Chief Physician, who is supposed to protect our healthcare professionals and boost their morale, insults a nurse and our healthcare professionals by calling them RETARDS. Following the incident, the assistant chief physician addressed our healthcare professionals who went to his room and said, "I sent the patient, how can you not accept the patient I sent?" This patient is not an outside patient, it is my patient” and throughout the conversation, addressing our nurse friend in charge, “REGULAR ……. Doesn't he know? Didn't he make the appointment himself? “…. He even did a little out of anger. If it were me, I'd do worse. You are wanted. You are waiting for the patient to come and do it to your mouth. The assistant chief physician, who called the responsible physician, said to the nurses and patient registration staff, "Are those idiots aware of what they are doing?" What do they think you're doing? I hope they didn't give white code. If they give it to me, I will distribute it. I want those two idiots in my room. …………. His statements such as "Idiot is a different matter", that he severely insulted him, that the chief in charge of the relevant service apologized to the deputy chief physician on behalf of the healthcare workers, and that you are a candidate officer for healthcare workers and that if you keep a report, your contract will be terminated are unacceptable.
We would like to thank the hospital chief physician and Provincial Health Directorate officials for their sensitivity to the incident. It is not anyone's place to insult officials who do the right thing.