Economic Growth in China Also Increases Electricity Consumption

Economic Growth in China Also Increases Electricity Consumption
Economic Growth in China Also Increases Electricity Consumption

It was announced that electricity consumption in China increased by 4,7 percent in the first four months of the year. According to figures from China's National Energy Administration, total electricity use in the country reached 4,7 trillion kilowatt-hours in the January-April period, an increase of 2,81 percent compared to the same period last year. While electricity consumption in the primary industry increased by 10,3 percent compared to the same period of the previous year to 35,1 billion kilowatt-hours, the increase in the secondary and tertiary industry was 5 percent and 7 percent, respectively. The increase in electricity use in residences was announced as only 0,3 percent.

On the other hand, the production of energy resources in China is also increasing. The figures announced by the National Bureau of Statistics indicate that it produced 7 billion cubic meters of natural gas in April, an increase of 18,9 percent compared to the previous year. The growth rate was 3 percentage points higher than in March. In China, which produced 380 million tons of raw coal in April, this figure corresponds to an increase of 4,8 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The country's coal imports are also increasing. Imports in the first four months of the year reached a total of 2022 million tons with an increase of 88,8 percent compared to 140.