Mothers-to-be Attention! Offal Can Injure

Mothers-to-be Caution: Offal May Injure
Mothers-to-be Attention! Offal Can Injure

During the 9-month pregnancy period, the most confusing questions for expectant mothers are about what to eat and what not to eat or drink. When expectant mothers learn that they are pregnant, they need to change some of their life habits in order to have a healthy pregnancy and to have a healthy baby.

Pregnancy is an enjoyable and challenging process for expectant mothers. Expectant mothers, who want to ensure the development of their babies in the most accurate way, start to search for products that are undesirable to eat and drink. One of's Medical Consultants, Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Prof. Dr. Faruk Suat Dede talked about the harms of products ranging from herbal teas to coffee, from alcohol to eggs and meat products for expectant mothers.

“Excess vitamin A can cause disability in the baby”

"Certain foods and beverages should definitely not be consumed for our expectant mothers and the baby in healthy progressing pregnancies," said Prof. Dr. Faruk Suat Dede said, “For example, mercury is a highly toxic chemical element. Expectant mothers should stay away from fish containing high amounts of mercury during pregnancy. In parallel with the pollution in the seas, large fish such as shark, swordfish, tuna and tuna contain high amounts of mercury. Mercury adversely affects the nervous system, immune system and kidneys. For this reason, the meat of such large fish should not be consumed during pregnancy. Expectant mothers should not eat offal and game meat, especially liver. Vitamin A, which is found in high amounts in offal meat, can cause miscarriage or disability in the baby if too much is taken.

Saying that expectant mothers are very sensitive and act very consciously during pregnancy, Founder Selin Çelik Şengöz said, “We have a platform called to support our mothers and fathers in this very sensitive period. We provide candidates with the information and services they may need from the pre-pregnancy period to the primary school period with a holistic approach through medical doctors and other specialists who are specialized in their branches. Families can ask all their questions to the experts during the live broadcast events.” said.

“Raw meat, fish and undercooked eggs can cause premature birth”

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Prof.Dr. said, "Sometimes there are situations that seem innocent, that it is not necessary to ask the experts, but that may actually be harmful to the mother or the baby." Dr. Faruk Suat Dede said, “First of all, raw or undercooked meat, eggs and fish should never be consumed. What can be a scrambled egg, I'll eat it, or I like meat with blood, it's enough to see a little fire. Although these may seem like innocent wishes in daily life, they are dangerous during pregnancy. If these products are undercooked or raw, there may be bacteria called salmonella and problems such as poisoning, miscarriage during pregnancy and premature birth may occur due to this microorganism.

“Sage, which increases blood pressure, may cause premature separation of the placenta”

“Another seemingly innocent thing is herbal teas. Especially in the winter months, pregnant women who cannot use drugs or vitamins but are sick prefer herbal teas," said Prof. Gynecology and Obstetrics. Dr. Faruk Suat Dede said, “With the pregnancy tracking feature we offer in WeParents' mobile applications, our expectant mothers can follow the pregnancy process with content updated every week. Our pregnant mothers can benefit from many features free of charge, such as detailed information about the pregnancy process week by week, reminders to drink water during pregnancy, vitamin reminders and information about screening tests. We aim to support parents' awareness and level of knowledge, and to ensure that they have a more comfortable and low-anxiety process.”

prof. Dr. Faruk Suat Dede concluded his words as follows: “For example, it is not safe for expectant mothers to consume sage, rosehip, fennel, rosemary, thyme, clover, hibiscus (marshmallow) and yarrow herbal teas during pregnancy. Or, sage, especially in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, with its blood pressure increasing effect, may cause premature separation of the placenta in pregnant women with a tendency to high blood pressure. Therefore, it should not be consumed without consulting a doctor. Our expectant mothers can safely consume teas such as black tea, green tea, ginger, lemongrass, mint tea during pregnancy. Facial deformities and heart abnormalities may develop in babies of mothers who use alcohol. Mothers who use alcohol have more frequent miscarriages and are at risk of stillbirth. It is recommended that the amount of caffeine taken during pregnancy be less than 200 milligrams. This equates to approximately 1 cup of filter coffee, 2 cups of Turkish coffee or espresso, and 2-3 cups of black or green tea. The likelihood of miscarriage increases with higher caffeine amounts. The likelihood of low birth weight or difficulty in childbirth increases.”

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