Karşıyaka Çiğli was the last stop of the tram

Karşıyaka The last stop of the tram was Çiğli: Konak and Karşıyaka While the construction of the tram lines was continuing, good news came from the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality.Karşıyaka While the line works of the tram line between Mavişehir and Alaybey are continuing, it was decided to extend the line to Çiğli due to the passenger potential and the intense demands.

Highways Regional Directorate, ending in Mavişehir Karşıyaka line, Çiğli İZBAN Station, Katip Çelebi University and Atatürk Organized Industrial Zone to extend the service to approve the preliminary project.

Upon the requests for bicycle and pedestrian access between Mavişehir and Ataşehir within the scope of the approved project, it was decided to build an overpass in this area. The preliminary project prepared for the construction of a pedestrian and bicycle path along with the tram line planned to pass over the Izmir Ring Road and west of the Atakent Junction, was approved by the Regional Directorate of Highways. The construction of the project will begin in mid-2017.


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