16 Bursa

Number of Stations in Fee Refund

The Number of Stations for Fare Refunds Has Increased in Bursaray: Following the new price tariff implemented in Bursa last week, new regulations have come to transportation. 60-minute transfer on public transport [more…]


Moovit Public Transport Application

Moovit Public Transportation Application Samsun: The innovative public transportation application Moovit, which serves in more than 1000 cities in the world, is now in Samsun. More than 11 million people in 2 cities in Turkey [more…]


MOTAŞ meets New Year with Innovations

MOTAŞ Welcomes the New Year with Innovations: MOTAŞ, which operates public transportation services in Malatya, uses electrical and electronic systems to track and monitor vehicles, record customer complaints, and respond to complaints. [more…]

34 Istanbul

Approved IETT 2017ye ready

IETT, whose budget was approved, is ready for 2017: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Council approved the 2.9 IETT budget of 2017 billion, presented by IETT General Manager Arif Emecen. Before the vote in the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Assembly [more…]