Buttim Visit from YRP Candidate Sedat Yalçın in Bursa

YRP Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Candidate Sedat Yalçın, who set out for a more livable Bursa, continues his visits. Rugged; Nilüfer Mayor Candidate Zeynep Candan Albayrak was the guest of BUTTİM Board of Directors together with Osmangazi Mayor Candidate Yunus Koçak and Yıldırım Mayor Candidate Nimetullah Narman.

Sedat Yalçın said in his statement; “Our Bursa has been adding value to our country in textile for years. However, as in every sector, there are some problems in textiles. We believe that these problems will be overcome through branding and specialization. Our textile manufacturers will compete better with the world with high added value products. "I would like to thank President Sadık Şengül and the board of directors for their hospitality," he said.


Re-Welfare Party Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Candidate Sedat Yalçın visited BUTTİM tradesmen together with Mayor Sadık Şengül and the board of directors. Sedat Yalçın, who was welcomed with great interest; “We also have projects ready for our tradesmen on our journey to make Bursa, together with all its districts, a more livable face. "If the tradesmen are strong, Bursa is strong... I would like to thank BUTTİM tradesmen who welcomed us with their smiling faces and told us about their troubles," he said.