Social Responsibility Lessons Are Coming to Schools!

Social Responsibility Lesson is coming to schools! The Ministry of National Education made a statement about the details of the Social Responsibility Project.
The Ministry of National Education published the Social Responsibility Project Directive in order to ensure that students in schools grow up to be more social and self-confident.
Duties, authorities and responsibilities of students, teachers, school administrators, volunteer parents and other stakeholders who will participate in the activities to be carried out by the Ministry of National Education within the scope of the social responsibility program in public and private formal education institutions; The "Ministry of National Education Social Responsibility Program and Lifelong Learning/Certification Implementation Directive" was prepared, which includes the implementation process and the principles, procedures and principles regarding the courses in which students will participate voluntarily. The directive directs students to be respectful of themselves, their families and society; sensitive to social problems; It will add benefits and aesthetics to nature and the environment, as well as objects and goods, along with all living things; problem solver, developed ability to work collaboratively; It was prepared to raise people who will make their lives more meaningful and valuable.

What is the Aim of the Social Responsibility Project?

Activities within the scope of the social responsibility program aim to develop effective communication and self-confidence in students; It is aimed to encourage research, scientific, critical and creative thinking. In addition, the activities within the scope of the social responsibility program, which will be carried out with a student-centered approach, aim to provide students with competencies such as leadership, working in a team and coordination. It is aimed that the activities within the scope of the social responsibility program to be carried out by educational institutions reflect the corporate culture and school climate in the best way and contribute to the development of the school's corporate identity. According to the directive, an independent student club under the name "Social Responsibility Club" can be established in schools with the decision of the teachers' board. While the activities within the scope of the social responsibility program are carried out in the form of team work, students from different grade levels and branches, as well as students from different schools, can take part in a team. According to the directive, in the planning and implementation of out-of-school activities, tasks or projects, care will be taken not to disrupt the normal functioning of the institution and organization where the work will be carried out. The institutions and organizations to cooperate within the scope of the social responsibility program will be determined by the governorships/district governorships upon the proposal of the provincial/district coordinators board.

It will be applied for 20 hours per week

Activities within the scope of the social responsibility program in terms of their subject and within the cooperation protocols made by the Ministry will also be evaluated within this scope. According to the directive, students will carry out at least 40 hours of activities within the scope of the social responsibility program during their secondary education. Activities within the scope of the social responsibility program will be implemented as 20 hours in vocational and technical secondary education programs and each hour within this scope will be evaluated as 60 minutes. Activities within the scope of the social responsibility program will not be evaluated with points, but will be documented upon students' graduation. These documents will be processed into the "Social Activity Module" in the e-School system and included in the student development file.