Post-Disaster 'Spiritual Trauma' Can Be Overcome Naturally

Post-Disaster 'Spiritual Trauma Can Be Overcome Naturally'
Post-Disaster 'Spiritual Trauma' Can Be Overcome Naturally

Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital Child Adolescent and Mental Health Diseases Specialist. Dr. Abdullah Karataş made statements about the mental trauma experienced after the disaster.

Karataş stated that after a disaster, feelings such as fear, anxiety, anxiety and panic are often seen in the person, and said, "Traumatic experiences can deeply affect the psychological structure of the person and put the person in a negative mood. However, there are different ways to deal with these situations that negatively affect life. Mental trauma is a condition that can be healed with professional help, social support and appropriate medication.” said.

Talking about the psychological symptoms seen in children after earthquakes and similar traumas and the factors caused by trauma, Karataş said, “First of all, trauma is a general name given to events where the perception that people are safe is in danger. The emergence of psychological symptoms in people after trauma is generally expected. Such symptoms occur quite frequently, especially in major disasters such as the earthquake we are experiencing now or after disasters such as recent floods.” used the phrases.

Karataş stated that the rate of interviewing fear, anxiety, anxiety and such symptoms in people after trauma is approximately 90-95, and said:

“Several symptoms may occur, such as avoiding, avoiding, reminiscent of trauma-related places, not entering the house, fear of entering the house, and fear of being alone. However, we see various symptoms such as sleep and appetite problems. There may be symptoms such as the regression of previously acquired skills, especially in the young child age group.”

Karataş said that sleeping, feeding, preparing a suitable environment and making the physical conditions suitable are considered as the first basic step and continued his speech as follows:

“When we look at the main points that parents should pay attention to, the first step after trauma is of course ensuring general safety. After these are fulfilled, it is necessary to talk to the children about their feelings, to listen calmly when they want to tell them about these feelings, to give them clear short answers, not to go into too detailed advice and answers, or not to cut off the child's feelings while expressing their feelings.

Expressing that the best curative treatment of trauma is to return to routine repetition, Karataş said, "It is important to apply to the nearest child psychiatry polyclinic in cases where post-traumatic symptoms persist for more than a month and are very severe."