Oral and Dental Care should be given importance in Ramadan

Mouth and Dental Care should be given importance in Ramadan
Oral and Dental Care should be given importance in Ramadan

Dentist at Şanlıurfa Oral and Dental Health Hospital, Dt. Mehmet Fatih Yurum drew attention to oral and dental health in Ramadan.

Dentist at Şanlıurfa Oral and Dental Health Hospital, Dt. Mehmet Fatih Yurum said in his statement, “We need to brush our teeth for two minutes after iftar and especially after sahur. We must continue to use dental floss. Food accumulating between teeth can cause odor. Then we have to brush our tongue. These will prevent bad breath as they reduce bacteria.” he said.

Suggesting to consume plenty of water after iftar and sahur, Dentist Dt. Mehmet Fatih Yurum said:

“After removing and cleaning our removable dentures at night, we should use them again in the morning. Our citizens need to renew their old dentures and bridges in terms of oral hygiene. Because the food that will accumulate here can cause bad breath. We need to drink plenty of water after iftar and sahur. Consumption of water will not only clean the oral flora, but will also increase the increase in caries and prevent the formation of bacteria. Our citizens can come to our hospital between 19:30-24:00 after iftar during the month of Ramadan and have their treatment done. They can apply to our hospitals and complete their treatment without the need for an appointment. In the morning hours, our polyclinics continue to serve. Except for emergencies, they can get their treatment through MHRS.”