Farmer Registration System Applications Now Available in E-Government

Farmer Registration System Applications Are Now in E State
Farmer Registration System Applications Now Available in E-Government

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry aimed to reduce bureaucracy thanks to digitalization by eliminating some problems with the change it made to the Farmer Registration System (ÇKS).

The Regulation on the Amendment of the Farmer Registration System Regulation, prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, was published in the Official Gazette and entered into force as of 1 September.

With the said amendment, it was aimed to eliminate the problems identified by the Ministry during the implementation period from the date of publication of the current regulation until today, to ensure unity of practice in the provincial organization, to adapt to new business models to be put into use and new policies developed, digitalization, reduction of bureaucracy and production planning were aimed.

In this context, changes were made to receive applications via e-Government.

Farmers who will update their products will be able to make their applications via e-Government as of October. The farmers who will make product updates will benefit from this, they will make changes in their land information, and the farmers who will register to the ÇKS for the first time will apply to the Provincial / District Directorate.


The Farmer's Certificate, which is obtained from the Chambers of Agriculture every year, will be taken only in the first application for all applications.

The application period, which was between September 1 and June 30 of the following year in the previous regulation, has been moved to December 31, when the application starts, in order to make production planning. Thus, the application period, which was previously 10 months, has been reduced to 4 months. In addition, farmers who apply until December 31 will be able to make product changes in February.

In addition, the signatures of the headman and 2 members on the product declaration forms were removed as they did not actually serve the purpose.


Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Prof. Dr. Vahit Kirişci stated that the system consists of a simple workflow that farmers can use and said:

“With the regulation change published in the Official Gazette today, we have taken a new step regarding our Farmer Registration System. We have corrected some of the problems we have identified in the past, and we have achieved unity of practice in the provincial organization. In addition, as the Ministry, we aimed to digitalize, reduce bureaucracy and production planning for easier adaptation to new business models and new policies. Good luck to our farmer brothers."

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