Turkey Motorcycle Workshop
34 Istanbul

Turkey Motorcycle Workshop

Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank gave the good news that the Supplier Development Digital Platform Project will be implemented at the beginning of the year and said, “With this project; large enterprises and SMEs through this platform. [more…]

Extreme Cup Begins Corluda
59 Corlu

Extreme Cup Starts in Çorlu

The first race of the Extreme Cup, organized in memory of Trakya Offroad Club President and TOSFED Thrace Provincial Representative Edip Yaşar Kurtoğlu, who we lost last year, will be held on 17-18 September 2022. [more…]

Bosphorus Cup is in Istanbul for the th time
34 Istanbul

Bosphorus Cup is in Istanbul for the 21st Time

Bosphorus Cup, one of Turkey's most important sailing organizations, will be held between 22-25 September this year. The Bosphorus stage of the organization, which will be held with the support of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, will welcome sailing lovers on September 24. [more…]

Percent Increase in Water in Istanbul
34 Istanbul

40,38 Percent Increase in Water in Istanbul

With the unanimous decision taken by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Council, the water price in Istanbul was increased by 40,38 percent. İSKİ's raise request was evaluated at the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Assembly meeting. İSKİ first level [more…]