The benefits of summer fruits are endless!

The Benefits of Summer Fruits Are Counting
The benefits of summer fruits are endless!

It protects cardiovascular health, balances blood sugar, protects the body against infections… Each one more colorful and beautiful than the other, with its rich vitamin content, makes many contributions to our body health. Therefore, it is important to consume fruits regularly. Dietitian Duygu Çiçek lists summer fruits and their benefits…

Dietitian Duygu Cicek


Watermelon is a fruit rich in vitamins and minerals. The lycopene contained in watermelon both reduces the risk of cancer and protects cardiovascular health. Watermelon, with its high vitamin C content, strengthens the body's immune system and protects the body against infections. Its vitamin A content also helps protect eye health. It has a detox effect by removing toxic substances from the body. 1 portion corresponds to a slice of 2 finger thickness.


Cherry, which is rich in vitamins A, C, K and phosphorus, iron and calcium minerals, is also known as intestinal friendly. Cherry, which is especially recommended for those who have constipation problems, is also good for kidney diseases, arthritis, gout, joint calcification by providing the uric acid balance. The 'anthocyanin' contained in cherries helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. Teas prepared by drying and boiling the stems of cherries also show a diuretic effect and provide edema from the body.


Being fresh in summer and dried in winter, damson plum is a powerful antioxidant. Plum, which regulates the digestive system thanks to its pulpy structure, is especially recommended for those who have constipation problems. Known as a fruit that accelerates metabolism, this nutrient is a strong diuretic. Helping to remove toxins from the body, damson plum also helps to balance blood sugar due to its rich fiber content. 2 medium plums can be considered as 1 portion.


Grape, which is a fruit with high vitamin and mineral content, is generally consumed fresh in summer and dried in winter. Grape, which is also a good antioxidant; It is also rich in iron and vitamin C. Grapes prevent blood clotting and help lower cholesterol. With this feature, grapes also have a protective effect in terms of cardiovascular health. Grape is effective in the functioning of the intestines with its high fiber and water content. Approximately 15-20 grapes are equivalent to 1 serving.


Peach, which is rich in vitamins A and C, also contains a high amount of potassium. Thanks to the flavonoids it contains, the peach, which has an antioxidant effect, provides protection against obesity-related diabetes and heart diseases. However, it should not be forgotten that consuming too much peach can cause constipation. 1 medium peach is equivalent to 1 serving of fruit.


Fig, whose antioxidant content increases as it matures, is a very popular summer fruit with its freshness in summer and dried in winter. Fig, which regulates the digestive system with its high fiber content, also helps the intestines to work. Figs have anti-aging properties because they regenerate cells, strengthen the immune system, and are known to be a good protector against cancer. However, excessive consumption can cause diarrhea. Therefore, it is beneficial to consume in moderation.

Portions vary from person to person, and more should not be consumed.

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