The Conspiracy Behind Pelosi's Taiwan Visit

The Conspiracy Behind Pelosi's Taiwan Visit
The Conspiracy Behind Pelosi's Taiwan Visit

Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, visited the Chinese island of Taiwan, despite the strong reactions from the Chinese side. This visit proved once again that some US politicians who support the so-called "Taiwan independence" separatist forces are the biggest saboteurs of peace and global stability on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

The visit is nothing but a "Chinese trump card" that the US administration, which is mainly in power of the Democratic Party, put forward to protect its own interests in the November midterm elections, in the face of great domestic political and economic pressures.

As for politics, the USA, which is in power of the Democratic Party, is faced with the possibility of losing the midterm elections. The support rate the Biden administration received from the public was at its peak at 2020 percent at the beginning of 55, but it has dropped below 40 percent today. This rate is the lowest among US presidents since the Second World War. In all by-elections held since 1970, if the rate of support for the current president falls below 50 percent, the ruling party loses an average of 25 seats in the House of Representatives. The low level of support for Biden has already cast a shadow over the Democrat Party's midterm election performance.

On the other hand, the fact that the ruling party lost votes in the midterm elections in the USA is happening. In the 19 by-elections held after the Second World War, the ruling party of the time lost 17 seats in the Congress. In this context, while it loses an average of 30 seats in the House of Representatives, it loses an average of 4 seats in the Senate. Today, the Democratic Party maintains a weak supremacy in Congress. If the Democratic Party loses 3 seats in the House of Representatives and 1 seat in the Senate, it means that it will lose control of both institutions, this development will negatively affect the US presidential election in 2024.

The result of the most recent polls in the US showed that the Democratic Party was only 17 percent likely to retain control of the House of Representatives.

As for the economy, the U.S. economy faces major downturn risks. In the first half of the year, the US Gross Domestic Product grew negatively for two consecutive quarters and fell into technical decline. In parallel, the consumer price index in June increased by 9,1 percent, reaching its highest level in 40 years.

On the other hand, the serious disagreements between the political parties in the USA prevented the expansion of the fiscal expenditures of the US administration, the government's consumption expenditures and total investment showed negative growth for three quarters.

All of this has further exacerbated the downward pressure on the economy. Increasing interest rates negatively affected investment, high inflation limited consumption, fiscal expansion weakened, and the epidemic situation became serious again.

Under this situation, real setback for the United States is now inevitable. U.S. citizens are increasingly dissatisfied with the current administration.

The US administration, which has seriously failed in the fields of domestic politics and economy, wants to attract the attention of the public. China, which is a "great threat" in the eyes of the US administration, has been the target of priority "attack" attempts by some US politicians. However, according to the results of the previous midterm elections, playing the "Chinese trump card" does not save the weak political position of the ruling party. For example, former US President Donald Trump increased trade friction with China in the 2018 midterm elections. However, the Republican Party eventually lost 40 seats in the House of Representatives. The Biden administration should also focus on resolving its own political and economic problems, rather than inciting friction with China and violating China's core interests.

Pelosi's visit to Taiwan will not change the fact that Taiwan is an indivisible part of China, nor will it hinder the historical trend towards full Chinese unification.

The Chinese people's determination to protect their national sovereignty and territorial integrity is complete. Those who want to violate the basic interests of the Chinese people by taking advantage of the Taiwan issue will eventually shoot themselves in the foot.

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