In Rize, Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Exchange Presidents visited Rize Artvin Airport, which is planned to be put into service in May.
Rize Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman Şaban Aziz Karamehmetoğlu, Parliament Speaker Şükrü Cevahir, Rize Commodity Exchange Chairman Mehmet Erdoğan, Pazar Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman Neşet Çakır, Ardeşen Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman İsmail Kuyumcu, Our Chamber Management With the participation of Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Cem Temizel, Treasurer of the Board of Directors Ahmet Arif Mete, Members of the Board of Directors Hakan Mürteza Ağun, Hamza Tüylüoğlu, İsmail Erdem and Mehmet Üzümcü, Deputy Secretary General Emrah Kaytaz and the general secretaries of other chamber and stock exchange board members, the construction of which has come to an end. He visited Rize-Artvin Airport Manager Fikret Akbulut to get information about the latest status of the airport and to present the evaluation report prepared with the opinions of our city chambers of commerce and industry and the commodity exchange.
At the meeting, the Director of Rize Artvin Airport answered the questions of the heads of chambers and commodity exchanges, after making a presentation about the latest situation of Akbulut Airport for the participants.
The heads of chambers and exchanges presented the prepared evaluation report to Akbulut.
After the meeting, the heads of chambers and exchanges made statements.
First of all, in the statements that wish the airport to be beneficial for Rize and our region, it was stated that they believe that the airport, where test flights will be carried out in a short time, will serve intensively this summer season.
In the statements emphasizing that it is a great added value for the tourism of the region, our people were asked to contribute to the promotion of our airport by sharing them on social media.