Message from Minister Özer to Continuing Face-to-face Education with Determination

Message from Minister Özer to Continuing Face-to-face Education with Determination
Message from Minister Özer to Continuing Face-to-face Education with Determination

Regarding the Omicron variant, Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer said, "There is currently no alarm situation in which we will change our measures in our schools or apply for new measures." said.

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer visited the Governor's Office in Şanlıurfa, where he came to make various contacts, and signed the book of honor. Making a statement to the journalists here, Özer said that the academic year, which started on September 6, continues as face-to-face training 5 days a week.

Noting that the process with the Ministry of Health has been going on very successfully for about four and a half months, Özer said: "As of today, the number of classes where face-to-face education has been suspended due to Kovid-19 or close contact is 2 thousand 378. Kovid-71 in approximately 300 thousand 19 schools. We do not have any closed schools. Our greatest achievement in this process is the very high vaccination rate of our teachers. Not only in Turkey average; Our biggest advantage is that the vaccination rate of teachers in developed countries such as England, France and Germany is much higher than in countries that continue face-to-face education. As of today, our rate of teachers who have been vaccinated at least one dose is 93.4 percent, and the rate of teachers who have been vaccinated at least two doses is 89,13 percent. As you all know, the rate of teachers who are not vaccinated but become immune to the disease and form antibodies is around 5 percent. Therefore, the rate of teachers who have received at least 2 doses of vaccine and have become immune is currently around 94 percent in Turkey.”

Pointing out that the rate of teachers receiving 3 doses and 4 doses of vaccine is increasing day by day, Özer continued: “As of today, the rate of teachers who have received the 3rd dose of vaccine is 40,5 percent. The process has been going on for about four and a half months in coordination with the Ministry of Health and our Health Science Board. Thank God, we do not have a problem in our schools where we can raise the alarm and make new decisions. The Omicron wave is spreading rapidly, we are following the process closely, but for now, there is no alarm situation in which we will change our measures or apply for new measures in our schools. We need to pay attention to vaccination rates. In our schools, we follow the rules about mask, distance and hygiene much more than before. Hopefully, we will enter the semester break in 2 weeks, the process will continue successfully until the semester break.”

Ozer; Emphasizing that a series of evaluations will be made on how to improve the quality of education and how investments can be enriched in Şanlıurfa, he added that serious investments have been made in the city so far, and that they will continue to work to increase the number of these.

2022 new educational institutions will be added to Şanlıurfa in 73

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer made a statement after the Şanlıurfa Provincial Education Evaluation Meeting. Minister Özer stated that 73 new educational institutions will be added to Şanlıurfa this year.

Stating that they made an assessment to improve the quality of education in Şanlıurfa, Minister Özer said that Şanlıurfa has the youngest population in Turkey and this means a serious need in terms of education.

Explaining that they will bring a new educational institution to the city, Özer said:

“We will build 3 kindergartens, 1 primary school and 2 secondary schools in our Akçakale district. We will build 12 kindergartens and 6 primary schools in our Eyyübiye district. We will build 10 kindergartens, 5 primary schools and 5 secondary schools in our Haliliye district. We will build 1 kindergarten and 1 secondary school in our district of Harran. We will build 5 kindergartens, 2 primary schools and 3 secondary schools in our Karaköprü district. We will build 3 kindergartens and 1 high school in our Siverek district. We will build 2 kindergartens and 2 secondary schools in our Suruç district. We will build 3 kindergartens in our Viranşehir district. Therefore, in 2022, we will have brought a total of 14 new education units to Şanlıurfa, including 19 new primary schools, 1 new secondary schools, 39 high school and 73 kindergartens, in addition to existing investments.”

Noting that serious investments were made in the city in 2021 in terms of education, maintenance and renovation, Minister Özer said, “As of today, we have brought a new investment of more than one billion liras to Şanlıurfa. I wish these investments good luck to Şanlurfa. Our Şanlıurfa needs much more. We saw that today.” said.

Özer stated that he is aware that Şanlıurfa needs much more investment and that they will use the necessary opportunities of the Ministry to meet the other needs of the city.

Stating that gifted students also receive education in science and art centers, Özer said that they plan to open 5 new science and art centers in addition to the 3 centers in the city.

Minister Özer also mentioned that the number of guidance research centers in the city is 5 and noted that they will establish one more center in Akçakale and Karaköprü.

Noting that they had a productive day in terms of new investments to be made in the city, Özer thanked the metropolitan municipality and the deputies for their contributions.