Turkey's Child Profile Removing

Turkey's Child Profile Removing
Turkey's Child Profile Removing

The Minister of Family and Social Services, Yanık, stated that the Turkey Child Survey, which will reveal Turkey's child profile in many fields from education to health, from security to living conditions, has started in order to create indicators that will increase child welfare.

Derya Yanık, Minister of Family and Social Services, stated that child welfare indicators will be created and for this purpose, a Turkey Child Research Project has been prepared under the coordination of the Ministry of Family and Social Services.

Minister Yanık noted that within the scope of the research planned for 2 years, field studies will be carried out and a "data recording pattern" will be created in order to reveal the child profile on issues related to education, health, safety, living and environmental conditions.

Stating that the current situation analysis will be carried out with the research, Minister Yanık noted that all ministries were asked to provide data on the services they provide to children.

Noting that the academic group responsible for the conduct of the research mapped the data on children and prepared reports on the literature, Minister Yanık stated that the studies for evaluating the reports are continuing.

“We will create child welfare indicators”

Minister Yanık noted that workshops will be held in line with the data regularly recorded by institutions providing services for children and the information to be obtained from field research.

Minister Derya Yanık said, “With these studies, we will reveal the child profile of Turkey. We will create welfare indicators for our children in line with the data we will obtain, and these indicators will guide us in monitoring child welfare and preparing policies for them.” used the phrases.

Noting that the "OECD Comparative Child Well-being Research" was conducted with the participation of 2009 countries in 30, Minister Yanık stated that the research was conducted under the headings of "education, income status, housing and environment, health and safety, risky behaviors, quality of school life".

Noting that in 2013, the UNICEF Innocenti Research Center conducted a Child Well-being Research in Countries with Developed Economy, Minister Yanık stated that in this research, studies were carried out on the subjects of “material well-being, health and safety, education, behavior and lifestyle”.

Minister Yanık said, “With the research to be conducted in our country, we will create child welfare/well-being indicators regarding education, health, safety, environment and living conditions in the light of the available data on our children and the information to be obtained as a result of field studies. In this direction, we aim to increase the welfare level of our children.” he said.