A Person on High Speed ​​Train from Sivas Can Go Up to Kapıkule Border Gate

A Person on High Speed ​​Train from Sivas Will Go Up to Kapıkule Border Gate
A Person on High Speed ​​Train from Sivas Will Go Up to Kapıkule Border Gate

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Adil Karaismailoğlu, visited the construction site of the Ankara-Sivas High Speed ​​Train (YHT) line in the Akdağmadeni district of Yozgat and examined the ongoing electromechanical works in the T318 Tunnel, whose infrastructure works were completed.

Minister Karaismailoğlu, who also carried out the rail pavement, said in his statement, “We are at the last point of operation of the Ankara-Sivas line. All line and rail laying has been completed. We continue to work devotedly with all our friends to open this place as soon as possible. After this line is over, a person from Sivas gets on from here to Istanbul Halkalı He will be able to go to his station. In 2023, it will be able to go to Kapıkule border gate. We knit our country with iron nets. Hopefully, from now on, we will do great things to improve the quality of life of our citizens with huge projects. "We are working hard to make our country one of the most developed countries in the world in rail systems."

Minister Adil Karaismailoğlu said that they continue to work devotedly to open the Ankara-Sivas YHT line as soon as possible. Karaismailoğlu stated that thousands of people work in the project from Ankara to Sivas, and when the line is operational, it will make great contributions to the economy of the region and the country in terms of economy, employment and trade.

Karaismailoğlu emphasized that the work continues day and night, “We are making a great effort in every corner of our country, in the air, on the land, in the sea, in rail systems and in space. "We are trying to complete our infrastructure so that our country is among the most advanced economies of the world."

“A person getting on from Sivas, from here to Istanbul Halkalı He will be able to go to his station "

Minister Karaismailoğlu, underlining that they fit the works that could not be done in our country for 100 years to 18 years, continued his words as follows:

“Hopefully, we will do great things to improve the quality of life of our citizens with huge projects from now on. There is a very intense and feverish work in our hundreds of construction sites with thousands or even hundreds of thousands of employees. The Ankara-Sivas line is the same. The work has come to the end. In order for it to be completed as soon as possible, we carry out our inspections and examinations to the finest detail in order to transport our citizens in the safest way. Hopefully, we will offer our citizens the comfort of high-speed train between Ankara and Sivas in full safety. We are at the last point of the Ankara-Sivas line. All line and rail laying has been completed. We continue to work devotedly with all our friends to open this place as soon as possible. After this line is over, a person from Sivas gets on from here to Istanbul Halkalı He will be able to go to his station. In 2023, it will be able to go to Kapıkule border gate. We weave our country with iron nets. "

"The goal is to make the rail system in Turkey is one of the leading countries"

Noting that they are carrying out serious studies on the Konya-Karaman side, Karaismailoğlu stated that they aim to transport Karaman to Ulukışla and from there to Mersin, “There is also a feverish work in Mersin-Adana-Gaziantep. Works on the Ankara-İzmir line are continuing rapidly. Again, there is an effort to connect Bursa to the Ankara-Istanbul line. There is feverish work going on all over the country. Hopefully, when the Ankara-Istanbul line is finished, this place will meet the high-speed train comfort. We are working hard to make our country one of the most developed countries in the world in rail systems. I hope we are working devotedly to provide the best comfort here ”.

Noting that all their troubles are to please the citizens, Minister Karaismailoğlu said, "Our only goal is to bring our country to the most advanced technologies in the world and to maximize the quality of life of our citizens".

Karaismailoğlu also emphasized that new types of coronavirus measures are taken at all construction sites and the work continues.