Ankara Sivas YHT Line Latest Situation What, When Will High Speed ​​Train Expeditions Start?

Ankara Sivas YHT Line Latest Situation What, When Will High Speed ​​Train Expeditions Start?
Ankara Sivas YHT Line Latest Situation What, When Will High Speed ​​Train Expeditions Start?

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoğlu, Deputy Minister Enver İskurt, TCDD General Manager Ali İhsan Uygun and accompanying them on 08.10.2020 on the Sivas-Yozgat border, within the borders of Sivas Yıldızeli district Eşmeköy Ankara-Sivas High Speed ​​Train Line 318.Tunnel and field construction He examined his work on site.

Ongoing studies examining over electromechanical Transport and Infrastructure Minister Karaismailoğlu, Turkey cobweb they specify eg the network such as iron, high-speed train ride from Sivas said that a person could go to the Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing.

Karaismailoğlu, who answered the questions of the press members, stated that thousands of people worked day and night for the completion of the project and said, 'We are making examinations on the Ankara - Sivas High Speed ​​Train line in Yozgat Akdağmadeni district. We are at the last point of the Ankara-Sivas line. All line laying and rail laying has been completed. We are working selflessly together with our friends to open this place as soon as possible. It is a project where thousands of people work from Ankara to Sivas. This place will be beneficial to our country and nation when you start operating. It will make great contributions to our country in terms of economy, employment, production and trade. "We are working day and night to bring this project to life as soon as possible," he said.

"It was fit into 18 years that could not be done in a hundred years"

Karaismailoğlu stated that what cannot be done in 100 years is fit into 18 years and said, 'In every point of our country; Our efforts on land, sea, air, rail systems and space are enormous. We are trying to create the necessary infrastructure for our country to enter among the world's most advanced economies. We fit the works that could not be done in 100 years in our country to 18 years. I hope we will do great things to improve the quality of life of our citizens with big projects. Together with our hundreds of thousands of employees, there is an intense and feverish work at our thousands of construction sites. The Ankara Sivas line is the same. The work is now at the stage of completion. We carry out our inspections and examinations to the finest detail in order to transport our citizens in the most reliable way and to provide them with this travel opportunity. Hopefully, we will offer safe high-speed train comfort to our citizens in the near future.

"Taking a train from Sivas will be able to go to Kapıkule"

Karaismailoğlu stated that a person who will get on the train from Sivas can go to Kapıkule border gate after the connection of the lines to be completed and said, 'When the project is completed, a person who gets on from Sivas Halkalı can go to the station. In 2023, it will be able to go to Kapıkule border gate. We weave our country with iron webs like spider webs. Before realizing such big projects, very serious studies are carried out. We are doing feasibility studies in the region. We make cost benefit analysis. We examine freight passenger movements. We examine future demand forecast models. Then we offer it to the investment program. Ankara-Sivas line is one of them. We also have a serious work on the Konya-Karaman side. We are planning to bring Karaman to Ulukış and from there to Mersin. Again, there is a feverish work in Mersin, Adana and Gaziantep. Work continues rapidly on the Ankara-İzmir line. Again, there is an intense work to connect Bursa to the Ankara-Izmir line, 'he said.

"We will be one of the most developed countries in the world in rail systems"

Karaismailoğlu in Turkey rail system that aims to become one of the world's most advanced countries saying said:

'Hopefully, when the Ankara-Sivas line is finished, this place will meet the high-speed train comfort. We are working hard to make our country one of the most developed countries in the world in rail systems. While the whole world is struggling with the Covid epidemic, we strive to continue our work in the best way by taking the necessary measures at our construction sites. All our concern is to please our citizens. It is our greatest aim that they are happy when they use this service. Hopefully, we are here today at the point of serving our citizens, our nation, and we will be at another point tomorrow. Our only goal is to bring our country together with the world's most advanced technologies and to maximize the quality of life of our citizens. '

Map of Ankara Sivas High Speed ​​Train

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