Canal Road is Paving

Channel Road Asphalted: Kepez Municipality, beautified with the work of landscaping, asphalt of the road passing by the water channel is renewing. The first stage of the asphalt renovation works is carried out between Varsak Bridge and Kütükçü Bridge.
Kepez Municipality, DSI water channel that divides the district into two parts of the Santral neighborhood and the waterfall neighborhood with the work of landscaping. Mayor Hakan Tütüncü promised to renew the asphalt of the road passing by the canal and deterioration during the election campaign. President Tütüncü implemented the promise of asphalt renewal after the elections.
Directorate of Science Affairs, the channel between the Varsak Bridge and Kütükçü Bridge Waterfall Street section has launched an asphalt work. First, asphalt digging machine, the end of the economic life of the existing asphalt milling is removed, then the street 3 thousand 146 meter section of 6 thousand 500 tons of hot asphalt poured said. Parquet paving work will be done in the southern part of the street, while the Waterfall Street Kutukçü Bridge and Martyr Major Oguz Ozkan Barracks will be taken under the electrical transmission lines. Asphalt, sidewalk and electrical transmission lines will be integrated with the beauty of the water channel of the Waterfall Street with the placement of the underground said.

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