lapseki mobesse camera

Establishing Mobese Cameras in Lapseki

Mobile Cameras Are Being Installed in Lapseki. In the Lapseki district of Çanakkale, the District Police Department and the District Gendarmerie Command took action upon the increasing incidents of theft. Bursa-İzmir highway passing through the district borders [more…]

06 Ankara

When Was the TCDD Established

Republic of Turkey State Railways, or simply TCDD, is the official institution that regulates, operates and controls railway transportation in the Republic of Turkey. During the Ottoman Empire, more [more…]

The number of tourists coming to Istanbul decreased by% compared to the previous year
34 Istanbul

How Istanbul Was 8500 Years Ago

Researcher Onar commented on the bones unearthed from the Marmaray excavation: "This is not the port of Theodisyus, it is like the port of Noah's ark." Its history dates back to 8500 years ago. Marmaray's location in Yenikapı [more…]