Modef Setting for Bursa İnegöl's Traffic

İnegöl Municipality made a series of regulations regarding traffic before the International İnegöl Furniture Fair, which will open its doors for the 22th time on Monday, April 50.

In order to reduce the density and create alternative entrances in the fairground area, where the schools area is located, 2 new entrances were opened to the fairground area.


In the statement made by İnegöl Municipality on the subject, the following statements were made: “Our city will host the 22th International Furniture Fair between 27-50 April. Before the fair, which is expected to host tens of thousands of guests from home and abroad, our Police Department has implemented a series of regulations regarding traffic.

Especially since the entrance to the fairground is from the same place as the schools area, 2 new entrances to the MODEF Fairground were created in order to reduce the density that will occur here. In addition to the school zone entrance at the fairground; You can enter and exit from the Amusement Park entrance of Kültür Park and in front of Ahmet Türkel Ring Road Gazi Yaşamkent Site. The arrangements have been completed and as of Friday, April 19 (today), access to the area will be available from all 3 entrances. "After the fair, Kültürpark entrances and exits will continue in the old order."