Warning from Communications Against 'Vote Manipulation'!

The Directorate of Communications Center for Combating Disinformation made a statement: "Shares such as 'After voting for the candidate you prefer, cross out the other parties' are manipulation efforts carried out to make the votes invalid."

Noting that it was determined that manipulation campaigns were carried out to invalidate the votes of citizens in the 31 March 2024 Local Government General Elections, the Directorate of Communications said, "Contrary to the claims, any special sign, any name, signature stamp or seal other than the "PREFERENCE" or "YES" seal. Ballot papers with fingerprints or scribbles on them will be deemed invalid. Also, placing anything other than the ballot paper (note, object, etc.) into the envelopes will cause the vote to be deemed invalid. "Only consider the statements of official sources regarding the election process, do not rely on manipulation campaigns and posts," he said.