Bus Tickets Compete with Flight Prices

We know that during the semester, intercity bus travel was one of the most preferred road alternatives for long-distance travel, mainly among students. In this context, we also asked companies. What are the occupancy and price rates?


Yolcu Stating that the occupancy rate was below expectations, the staff said, “It has been a period below our expectations. The market has become this way, price increases and ticket prices were below expectations. The reason why the semester period fell short of expectations is that ferry trips, plane trips, high-speed trains and plane tickets are now cheaper for people, which has lowered expectations. It also has something to do with diesel prices, for example, while we are charged more taxes, the airline system pays less than us. come on being taken. We have our tickets for now. price "We did not reflect the difference, but if it continues like this, we will have to raise it because revenues do not cover expenses."


Stating that the semester break does not benefit the operation of the bus station, the clerk said, “Our business is not good at the moment. We are not in a pleasant situation at all. Sometimes there are situations where people cannot bring bread to their homes. Online ticket sales have led us to a porter-like working system, we are officially finished. coming and going passengerWe just direct them to the platform, that's all. "If we get three to five passengers here, we issue tickets, if not, we can't even issue them," he said.