Gastric Balloon One of the Most Commonly Used Weight Loss Techniques

Gastric Balloon One of the Most Commonly Used Weight Loss Techniques
Gastric Balloon One of the Most Commonly Used Weight Loss Techniques

Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Felat Çiftçi gave information about the gastric balloon.

Kiss. Dr. Felat Çiftçi stated that obesity is an increase in body mass index after an uncontrolled and inappropriate diet and said, “As a result, there are various diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure and kidney disease. Here, methods such as operations or balloons are used in coordination with various endocrine departments to prevent obesity. In the treatment of obesity, the method we call gastritis bypass is used especially in overweight patients with a badimeks index of 50-65. We use the sleeve gastrectomy method in those with lower body mass index, especially those with badimeks index and body mass index above 35-45.” he said.

Giving information about the gastric balloon, Op. Dr. Felat Çiftçi said, “Badimeks gastric balloon is an effective method in patients with a body index between 26 and 35. Gastric balloon placement is performed under anesthesia in about 10 minutes. With this method, the balloon remains in the stomach for approximately six months. After six months, it is removed by endoscopy again. Our balloon is a silicone balloon and it is one of the methods with the least complications among the obesity control methods. It takes about 10 minutes, and after an hour, we discharge our patient in good health.

Saying that they expect the body to lose 15-25 percent of their weight in the weight loss goal, Op. Dr. Felat Çiftçi said, “Of course, the part that falls on the patient after wearing this balloon is the diet part. We tell the patient that he should pay attention to his diet and that he should be under the supervision of a dietitian. At the same time, we strongly recommend that he quit the tarentel life and do sports to lose more weight.”