Sleep Disorders Affect Body Health Negatively

Sleep Disorders Affect Body Health Negatively
Sleep Disorders Affect Body Health Negatively

Stating that sleep is very important for the body to renew itself, Bodrum American Hospital Neurology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Melek Kandemir Yılmaz said that insomnia, which is frequently seen, increases the risk of different diseases.

Assoc. Dr. Melek Kandemir Yılmaz said, “Sleep is an indispensable physiological process for our organism that allows us to rest, renew the body and record the information we have learned. “Insomnia,” one of the most common, is defined as difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep despite adequate time and opportunity for sleep. "Sleep apnea syndrome," which has symptoms such as snoring and cessation of breathing during sleep, increases the risk of diseases such as heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure.


Noting that insomnia also negatively affects functionality during the day, Assoc. Dr. Yılmaz gave the following information: “Restless legs syndrome makes it difficult to fall asleep and can cause wakefulness during the night. Other sleep-related disorders such as periodic leg movements during sleep, respiratory problems, walking-talking during sleep, nightmares, REM sleep behavior disorder, sleep eating disorder also prevent us from getting a quality sleep. Due to all these inconveniences, our daily functionality is adversely affected. Symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, mood collapse, restlessness, attention and concentration disorder, forgetfulness, sleepiness, loss of motivation, decrease in energy, decrease in assertiveness, tension due to lack of sleep, anxiety about sleep are frequently observed during the day. Sleep problems negatively affect both our professional and social life, reduce our quality of life, and cause a tendency to accidents or mistakes in work or traffic.


Noting that a person with sleep-related problems should first be examined by a neurologist, Assoc. Dr. Melek Kandemir Yılmaz said, “In this meeting, it is tried to understand what the problem is. If necessary, an all-night sleep recording is made, which is called "Polysomnography" and various parameters are recorded to see the night's sleep. A test called "Multiple Sleep Latency Test" can be performed during the day for patients who have sleepiness and sleep attacks during the day. In patients diagnosed with sleep apnea syndrome, the pressure levels of devices such as CPAP or BIPAP that eliminate abnormal respiratory events that occur during sleep with positive pressure air are determined and their treatments are arranged. For our health, we need to sleep for a sufficient amount of time and a good quality sleep.