Foot and Mouth Disease Doesn't Cause Fatal Effects in Humans

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Foot and Mouth Disease

Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Hospital Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Specialist Dr. Dilek Leyla Mamçu shared important information about foot and mouth disease, which has been on the agenda recently.

Stating that foot-and-mouth disease is an acute, highly contagious and zoonotic viral infection seen in double-hoofed animals, Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Specialist Dr. Dilek Leyla Mamçu, “The causative agent is the foot and mouth virus, which is in the Aphtovirus subgroup of the Picornaviridae family. We can say that there are seven different serotypes. The absence of cross immunity between serotypes makes it difficult to fight the disease. The disease can cause epidemics in susceptible animal populations because of its high rate of transmission.

Stating that fever, loss of appetite, depression and decrease in milk yield are defined as the first clinical findings in cattle, Dr. Dilek Leyla Mamçu, “Salivation begins within 24 hours, vesicles form on the tongue and gums. Although sores (lesions) on the tongue usually heal in a few days, lesions on the feet and nasal area are often exposed to secondary bacterial infections. The most obvious way of spreading the disease occurs when the virus in the air is taken by the respiratory system. Infected or incubating animals shed the virus through respiration, skin, body exudates, milk and semen. Foot and mouth disease can also be transmitted by contaminated animal products, contaminated vehicles and tools, humans, wild animals, birds, wind and transportation vehicles.

Emphasizing that foot and mouth disease is mainly a disease of animals, Dr. Dilek Leyla Mamçu said, “It is known that people are rarely transmitted by contact with infected animals, infected meat and dairy products. There is no treatment for animals with foot-and-mouth disease. Therefore, the disease is tried to be kept under control. The transmission of the disease can be prevented by effective vaccination. It is aimed to consume the virus source and to break the life course of the virus by killing sick animals and animals that have come into contact with them. Sick and suspicious animals are killed and destroyed by burning or burial. Likewise, contaminated materials, similar products such as milk and meat are also destroyed as a precaution.

Underlining that foot-and-mouth disease is very rarely transmitted to humans, Dr. Dilek Leyla Mamçu said, “However, there is a risk of contamination with bare hands on the wound, skin, meat or milk of the sick animal. "While foot-and-mouth disease is not directly fatal in humans, the signs and symptoms of the virus can be troubling for humans."