Has the EYT Bill Been Enacted in the Parliament? How to Apply for EYT, When Will It Start?

Is the EYT Law Proposal Enacted in the Parliament How to Apply for EYT When Will it Begin?
Has the EYT Law Proposal Enacted in the Parliament How to Apply for EYT, When Will It Begin?

The Bill of Law on Amending the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law and the Decree Law No. 375 on Retirement Aged Persons (EYT), which was awaited by millions in the General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, was passed with the votes of 395 government and opposition deputies who participated in the negotiations and became law. The law will enter into force after its publication in the Official Gazette and applications will be received. With the passing of EYT in the Parliament, we have compiled the details of EYT retirement application requirements and where and how to apply step by step in our news. Here is the EYT retirement e-Government application screen…

The proposal, which was accepted in the Assembly, consists of 4 articles. With the temporary article added to the Social Security and General Health Insurance Law, according to the relevant laws, those who request a pension after the effective date of the proposal, and those who will be granted an old age or retirement pension, will benefit from old-age or retirement pension if they meet the conditions other than age in the aforementioned provisions.

Based on this provision, no retroactive payments will be made and no retroactive rights can be claimed.

In the event that those who are granted a retirement or retirement pension for the first time and who are given a notice of resignation due to old age or pension request start to work subject to social security support premium in the last private sector workplace within 30 days following the date of leaving the job, social security support is provided from the date of starting to work. The amount corresponding to 5 points of the employer's premium will be covered by the Treasury.

If the insured person who benefits from the social security support premium employer's share discount leaves the job, this discount will not be available again.

Workers hired in public institutions and organizations, special provincial administrations and municipalities and their subsidiaries, and local government unions of which they are members, and those who have been transferred to worker status together or separately in companies with more than half of the capital belonging to special provincial administrations, municipalities and their affiliates; If they are entitled to a pension, old-age or invalidity pension, the regulations requiring the termination of their employment contracts by the public institutions and organizations or companies they are employed will be repealed.

The proposals of CHP, IYI Party and HDP to regulate the number of gradual bonus days as 5000 days were rejected by the votes of the AK Party and MHP deputies.

On the other hand, the first article of the bill was amended with the accepted proposal of the AK Party. With the new regulation, the time to start working again in the same workplace after retirement was increased from 10 days to 30 days. 30 percent premium support will be provided to those who start working again in the same workplace within 5 days after retirement.

Which EYT members can retire immediately?

With the law passed in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, the age requirement was abolished in the retirement of those who started to work with insurance before September 8, 1999. Those who start working before the said date and meet the conditions other than the age will be able to retire immediately. An insurance period of 5000 – 5975 premium days and 20 years for women and 25 years for men will be required for SSK members with EYT. Men from BAĞ-KUR and subject to the Pension Fund will be entitled to retirement by completing 9000 premium days and women 7200 premium days.

In the first place, after the regulation that will enable approximately 2 million 250 thousand people to retire, the right to salary will be earned with the application.

EYT applications will begin once the bill is passed by the Parliament and enters into force in the Official Gazette. Those who fulfill the conditions will be able to apply from SGK and e-Government without any time limit.

EYT Applications to E-Government!

The Social Security Institution has been preparing for the EYT law for a long time. Before the beginning of the year, the necessary infrastructure has been prepared so that EYT members can make their retirement petitions via e-Government so that there is no crowding in front of social security centers, as in debts. Members of EYT will be able to make their retirement applications without going to social security centers, and they will be able to follow all transactions related to retirement from here.

How to Apply for Pension?

In the video shared by SGK, the steps of retirement application are explained as follows:

According to this; After logging into the e-Government system, after typing one of the words monthly, retired and income in the search section, the income from the results, the document of granting the monthly allowance request document will be clicked.

  • On the next screen, the new application tab will be clicked.
  • The old-age pension will be selected as the type of allocation request.
  • Those who will make a monthly request under SSK will be selected as 4A SSK Bağkur, and 4B Bağkur will be selected.
  • Then click the apply button at the bottom.
  • TC identity number, name-surname information and residence address are automatically displayed on the screen.
  • The bank to which the salary payment will be made will be selected and the requested branch of the bank will be written in the explanation section.
  • Other contact information will also be filled.
  • “Does he get monthly?” Yes or no answer must be marked in the question.
  • The next forward button will be pressed and the information will be sent to SSI by clicking the apply button.