Fear of Earthquakes Triggers Trauma and Impairs Functioning

Fear of Earthquakes Triggers Trauma and Impairs Functioning
Fear of Earthquakes Triggers Trauma and Impairs Functioning

Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Özgenur Taşkın talked about the symptoms and effects of fear in individuals living in big cities and who have not yet been exposed to earthquakes, and made important recommendations. Specialist Clinical Psychologist Özgenur Taşkın, who emphasized that the fear of earthquakes can trigger trauma, pointed out that individuals who feel constantly shaken are traumatized, and said that it is possible to prevent permanent psychiatric diseases and get away from the effects of trauma with EMDR therapy.

Uncertainty shakes trust

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Özgenur Taşkın, who emphasized that the earthquake fear dimension is very important, continued as follows:

“As long as the fear of earthquakes does not become an earthquake phobia, which we call 'Seismophobia', it will not affect the functionality of the person. Fear is actually a state of uncertainty. In fact, being unable to predict when or where an earthquake will occur causes uncertainty. Uncertainty, on the other hand, can deeply shake individuals' sense of 'confidence'. The daily functioning of the individual whose sense of confidence has been shaken with the fear of earthquakes may also be impaired. The situation we call dysfunctional means the disruption of the person's sleep, eating and working order. When this order is disrupted, the person's daily life is restricted and he may become unable to do his work that he can easily do. This situation may also be a harbinger of many psychiatric diseases.”

Those who feel that they are constantly shaking should contact a specialist.

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Özgenur Taşkın, who states that in order for the fear of earthquakes to be evaluated as 'Seismophobia', the person must be constantly alert, and his eating-drinking and sleeping patterns must be disrupted, “Some people say, 'I feel like I'm constantly shaking'. These people are traumatized and they definitely need to get support from a specialist.”

Earthquake fear triggers trauma

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Özgenur Taşkın pointed out that the fear of earthquakes and earthquake trauma can occur without being exposed to an earthquake, because even if a person is not exposed to an earthquake, they can see and follow the earthquake from the news and surroundings. Fear of earthquake is a factor that triggers earthquake trauma. The greater the fear, the more severe the trauma. Treatment is needed for the person who is exposed to a primary earthquake and for the person who has a secondary earthquake fear. Because at the point where it affects the functionality of the person, the symptoms may start depending on the fear of the person. These symptoms may include disturbed sleep, increased or less than normal appetite, impaired concentration, forgetfulness in everyday matters, crying spells, hopelessness and tantrums. In such cases, in order to avoid a permanent psychiatric illness, a psychiatrist should be consulted first and then psychotherapy should be started. EMDR can be applied as a therapy technique to avoid traumatic effects.” used the phrase.

The measures taken create a sense of confidence

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Özgenur Taşkın, who stated that the measures taken regarding the earthquake create a sense of security in the person, said, “The feeling of security is the most important feeling that stands against the feeling of fear. Therefore, taking precautions will help reduce and regulate stress, even if it does not completely eliminate the fear of earthquakes. In this way, it will be possible to prevent the earthquake from causing trauma.”