If Your Hair Is Shedding Seasonally, Start Treatment in Spring

If Your Hair Is Shedding Seasonally, Start Treatment in Spring
If Your Hair Is Shedding Seasonally, Start Treatment in Spring

We all lose hair, experts say that we lose more than 100-150 strands a day without realizing it. However, if this shedding is more than normal and there is a noticeable decrease in your hair, you should consult a dermatologist. One of the experts of DoktorTakvimi.com, Uzm. Dr. Emre Kaynak talks about hair loss

Hair loss is a part of a normal cycle in our daily lives… Although it differs from person to person, our hair strands complete their cycle in about 2-5 years and are replaced by new ones. An average of 100-150 strands of hair per day are shedding without turning into a problem. However, sometimes hair loss can become a problem due to different reasons. While our healthy hair cycle continues, hair loss can increase and impair our quality of life. Although the studies are few yet, they reveal that there are seasonal differences in the cycle of the hair strands. One of the experts of DoktorTakvimi.com, Uzm. Dr. Emre Kaynak draws attention to the fact that hair loss may increase in September-October even though we are completely healthy, although it varies according to the geography we live in.

exp. Dr. The source explains the reason for this as follows: “In summer, the anagen phase, which is the production phase of our hair, decreases significantly but does not fall out. Because after the production phase, our hair waits in the resting phase, which lasts for about 100 days, and then falls out. This period may also coincide with the autumn months. There are both internal and external factors that affect the cycle of our hair. In particular, the sun can affect the hypothalamo-pituitary axis, which is the hormone control center of our body, and may cause hair loss through the thyroid and other hormones. Seasonal hair loss does not usually cause a noticeable reduction in our hair. However, there may be significant hair reduction, especially in patients with female pattern hair loss, which is characterized by a decrease in the anagen phase.

The reason for your hair loss may be the drugs you use.

Underlining that not every hair loss that occurs in the autumn period can be called seasonal, Uzm. Dr. The source recommends consulting a dermatologist when hair loss occurs, regardless of the season. Stating that the cause of hair loss may be due to previous diseases or medications used for other health problems, Dr. Dr. Kaynak said, “After the evaluation before the hair loss process, dermoscopic examination of the hair and scalp, hair pulling test and examination of the hair follicles, determination of the hair loss pattern and evaluation of the necessary blood tests, appropriate treatments should be selected. In patients with regular seasonal hair loss, it is most ideal to carry out the treatment in spring and summer. In this period, treatments that will strengthen and extend the anagen phase of the hair will reduce the shedding that will occur in the autumn period.

Reminding that supportive treatments can be done during the shedding period for patients who have gone through this period, one of the experts of DoktorTakvimi.com, Uzm. Dr. Emre Kaynak underlines that oral drugs, photobiomodulation, topical drugs and intradermal injections, which are among these treatments, can be used together or separately. Explaining that the vitamin deficiencies detected as a result of the examinations should be completed with systemic treatment, Uzm. Dr. Source, “Low-level laser treatments with photobiomodulation are also a comfortable and effective treatment method for patients. We also frequently prefer intradermal treatments such as PRP, stem cell and mesotherapy applied in the treatment of hair loss. At this point, it would be most appropriate for you to decide with your doctor the most appropriate treatment for the patient after the necessary examination and examination.

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