Halkalı Kapıkule Railway Line Contract Signed

ringed kapikule railway line contract signed
ringed kapikule railway line contract signed

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure M. Cahit Turhan, Halkalı- The load carrying capacity of Kapıkule Railway Line, Çerkezköy-Kapıkule will increase significantly with the construction of the sector, the European Union (EU) for the construction of the project will be used 275 million euros will be completed with the completion of the project reported that high-standard rail connection with European countries will be achieved.

Minister Turhan, Halkalı-Kapıkule Railway Line Project ÇerkezköyIn his speech at the signing ceremony of the construction contract of the Kapıkule Section, he said that he was happy to be adding a new project to major projects such as Istanbul Airport, Marmaray Tube Crossing, Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, North Marmara Motorway and Eurasia Tunnel.

Stating that they have invested approximately 16 billion pounds in the last 600 year to improve transportation infrastructures, expand these networks and complete the missing connections on international transport routes, Turhan stated that they are not limited to public resources in this process and they have signed giant projects effectively by using build-operate-transfer mechanism. brought.

Halkalı-Kapıkule Railway Line and Ankara-Istanbul High Speed ​​Line Köseköy-Gebze section, Irmak-Karabük-Zonguldak Railway Line and Samsun-Thick Railway Line projects as well as public grants adding EU grants explaining Turhan, Tur Our country, connecting the continents global trade It is the focus of the route. For this reason, the development of regional and interregional connections in Turkey's geostrategic importance of the position. "He said.

Aware of this importance, Turhan said that they have been trying to shape the transportation policies of the country with a complementary and inclusive perspective towards the transportation corridors in the region in the recent period.

Emphasizing that they have always cared about the Iron Silk Road from London to Beijing and fulfilled their responsibilities, Turhan continued:

“Again on this line, we attach great importance to the realization of transport activities in the most efficient way. In terms of this giant project, I would like to remind you that the opening of Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway Line at 30 October 2017 is a very significant turning point. We will sign, Halkalı-Kapıkule Railway Line Çerkezköy-The load carrying capacity of the line will increase significantly with Kapıkule cutting. We will use an EU grant from 275 million euros for the construction of this segment. Upon completion, we will have a high standard railway connection with European countries. ”

Turhan, Turkey-EU financial cooperation in the process HalkalıPointing out that the implementation of the Kapıkule Railway Line Project is not easy, it is stated that the 10 annual effort of the authorities of both sides is behind the signing of the contract.

Halkalı-Kapıkul Railway Line is due to the role and contribution to the realization of the European Commission Mobility and Transport Commissioner Violeta BULCKE Turhan offering of gratitude, "Because this pipeline, Turkey-as-EU relations and transportation and is one of the most important steps that save the financial cooperation fields a symbolic direction. The basis of the project 18 in July ÇerkezköyBulc and I will enjoy the happiness of throwing.

Turhan wished that the project, which would make the integration process with the European Union more visible in every sense, would be beneficial for both sides.

After the speeches, the Minister Turhan witnessed by Bergere EU Delegation to Turkey President Ambassador Christian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure EU and External Relations General Manager Erdem Poles, European Union Economic and Social Development Department Vice President Tibor Construction Management Kolin with Sztaricska Board contract has been signed by the Member Jalal Koloğlu .

Halkalı-Kapıkul connection in Turkey stands out as the fourth-largest railway project that provides support for EU funds. The estimated total investment value of the project is 1.1 billion Euros. 275 million euro EU grant support to be provided by the project alone makes the EU the largest investment project implemented in Turkey. Halkalı - Kapıkule Railway Line will connect Europe to Asia.

Once the construction is completed, the railway connection is expected to be of great benefit to both passengers and freight carriers. People and businesses will benefit from a more economical and reliable transport services between Europe and Turkey. Citizens will experience more accessible and safe mobility, especially in and around Istanbul, carbon emissions will be reduced and the use of different modes of transport will be encouraged.

State Railways as a single institution in Turkey, the maximum amount has been reaping the benefits of the EU grant. To date, four major railway projects totaling € 840 million have been financed by EU grants and the EU has supported the railway line with a total length exceeding 1000 km. EU support to the railway sector will continue with security, efficiency and better regulation in mind.