Oktay Yılmaz: “We Created Child-Friendly Permanent Works”

Yıldırım Mayor Oktay Yılmaz has implemented many vision projects for children in the priority group in service since he took office in 2019. Mayor Oktay Yılmaz, Molla Yegân Children's University, which has become the favorite places of Yıldırım children since the day it was opened, Mimar Sinan Children's Library, 23 sports investments built all over the district, especially Naim Süleymanoğlu Sports Complex, one of the biggest sports investments in Bursa, and neighborhood parks. gives the little ones the privilege of being a child in Yıldırım. Mayor Oktay Yılmaz stated that they will bring works to the district in which future generations will grow up in the new period and said, “We will continue to work and produce for the beautiful children of Yıldırım, the city of values, with pride in being a part of the ongoing story of our beloved city. Whatever it is, Yıldırım has it. "There's More for Yıldırım," he said.

Yıldırım Municipality, which revived the historical madrasah where Molla Yegân, one of the teachers of Mehmet the Conqueror, taught as Molla Yegân Children's University, graduated 6 thousand science and art enthusiasts from the facility. At Children's University, where training is provided in 18 different branches, children also have the opportunity to receive basic practical training in the field of astronomy and space sciences with school tours held on weekdays. Mayor Oktay Yılmaz stated that they not only restored the Molla Yegân Madrasa to its original form, but also functionally turned it into a center of science in line with its essence, and said, "Just as this place contributed to the raising of a generation of conquests 600 years ago, today it is helping to raise the architects of the 'Turkey Century'." leading the way. We provide training to our children who come to this place on different subjects, from chemistry to space. We establish a versatile educational environment according to the aptitudes and abilities of our children. In this ecosystem; We contribute to raising children who are equipped with science, art, technology and our values. "Our Molla Yegân Children's University will broaden the horizons of our children, enrich their imagination and lead to the training of new Fatihs, new Aziz Sancars and new Selçuk Bayraktars," he said.


Mimar Sinan Children's Library, which is located within the Barış Manço Cultural Center and serves children between the ages of 6-13, has 6 books as well as 500 toys. 700 books and 15 toy can be borrowed every 3 days from the library, where children can play games and participate in workshops as well as meeting with books. Underlining that ensuring the future of societies is possible by raising well-equipped, happy individuals, Mayor Yılmaz said, “Our most important and primary vision is to transform Yıldırım. Of course, when we say transformation, we do not only mean urban transformation, infrastructure and superstructure works. With the physical transformation of the city; We also aim for cultural and social transformation. "This facility is one of the important steps we have taken on this path," he said.