What is State Personnel Recruitment?

People who work in state bodies and are responsible for performing certain duties are called state personnel. Civil servants, also known as civil servants, carry out public services after being appointed. The duties of state personnel are determined according to the institution they work for and the position they hold. Government personnel recruitment You can visit the State Personnel Recruitment website to access up-to-date information about the recruitment process and to follow the recruitment status.

There are certain conditions for people who will apply for government personnel recruitment. These conditions vary. If we make a list of the necessary conditions;

  1. Being 18 years old and not 35 years old,
  2. Not having any criminal record that constitutes a disgraceful crime,
  3. To comply with certain health standards in all recruitments except for the disabled,
  4. Passing a security investigation,
  5. Having at least a high school diploma,

A diploma is mandatory, except for those who will work in cleaning services. In open appointments, the conditions vary depending on the conditions sought by the employer. After the interview, the recruitment process begins. During this process, candidates are asked for documents they have, if any.

What is Hospital Personnel Recruitment?

Turkish Employment Agency offers great opportunities for people who want to work in the healthcare sector. Hospitals recruit personnel for different positions. This is especially beneficial for people who want to work in private hospitals and turn a new page in their career.

Candidates who want to apply for hospital personnel recruitment must meet certain conditions. If we make a list of these conditions;

  1. Ability to work in shifts,
  2. Paying attention to appearance,
  3. Having a clean criminal record,
  4. Having certain documents.

In addition to these conditions, candidates are subjected to a security investigation and those who receive positive results from the investigation continue their journey. There are many different positions for hospital staff recruitment. To list a few of these positions:

  1. patient advisor,
  2. Nurse,
  3. nursing home manager,
  4. patient admission registrar,
  5. Patient admission and referral officer,
  6. Patient and elderly caregiver,
  7. Companion,
  8. Hospital companion.

Staff are being recruited for all these various positions. This diversity offers a wide range of job opportunities for people with different interests and abilities. People who want to apply for any of these positions must first log in to İŞKUR's website. You can then register as a job seeker and start looking for a job. Hospital personnel recruitment You can find all current information about the State Personnel Recruitment website.

What is Public Personnel Recruitment?

Today, there are two different sectors: private and public. When we look around us, we can see that most people generally want to be public servants. Public personnel are people who work in the public sector and are under state protection. These professional groups, which have different legal status, are generally called public personnel.

People who want to become public servants must meet certain conditions. Many of these terms are general terms. However, some institutions may require KPSS or other special conditions when recruiting personnel. If we list the requirements for people who want to become public servants;

  1. Being a citizen of the Republic of Turkey,
  2. Not to be deprived of public rights,
  3. Having the education and graduation levels determined by the institution to which the application will be made,
  4. Not being convicted for any reason,

Personnel are recruited for various positions every year. You are also up to date public personnel recruitment You can follow the State Personnel Recruitment website for news and information.