German Surfer Sebastian Steudtner Broke the World Record!

German Sebastian Steudtner broke the world record in surfing. The new record of 28,57 meters wave reached by the athlete is more than two meters higher than the previous world record.

Sebastian Steudtner said after the record: “From the outside, it looks like a big chaos. But for me it was about showing that it was possible.” he said.

It was determined that Sebastian Steudtner broke a new world record with the wave of 28,57 meters using drone technology.

The location of the new world record was once again Nazaré, about 10 miles north of Portugal's capital Lisbon. Steudtner's previous record was 26.21 metres.

German Sebastian Steudtner is said to have redesigned the surfboard and it paid off.

Previously, it could reach speeds of 80 kilometers per hour. However, with the redesigned board, it can cope with waves reaching speeds of 100 kilometers per hour.