Zeydan Karalar Inspected the Works on Yavuzlar Bridge

Adana Metropolitan Municipality Minister Zeydan Karalar's workforce started working early in the morning on the second day of the second term in Adana.

Mayor Zeydan Karalar, who did not know how to rest in his first term, during which he achieved a financial miracle and huge services, continues to work without slowing down from the first days of the second term.

Adana Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Zeydan Karalar started the second day of his second term by working early in the morning. Mayor Zeydan Karalar, who inspected the works that are nearing completion on the Yavuzlar Bridge, said, "When our bridge is completed, Reşatbey, Yavuzlar and Sinanpaşa neighborhoods will be connected to each other, while the traffic load of Mustafa Kemal Paşa Boulevard will be relieved."

Mayor Zeydan Karalar said: “We have left the election behind, I thank the people of Adana endlessly. I am happy to serve my fellow citizens for 5 more years. We are at work early in the morning. “We plan to have a very productive 5 years in which we serve our people much more.”