Who is Serdar Deniz? Where is Serdar Deniz from and how old is he?

Serdar Deniz was born in Ankara on February 6, 1969, but moved to Cologne, Germany, with his family when he was 3 years old. Deniz, who graduated from the "Theater der Keller" conservatory in Germany in 1998, worked in theater and television in Germany and then took part in various films and TV series in Turkey.

Impressive Performances in Famous Productions

  • For his role as Beyto Ağa in the TV series Gurbet Kadını.
  • With his handsome character (Levent Bozoklu) in Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu
  • Titus character in Diriliş Ertuğrul and
  • As assassin Edward Jorris in the TV series Payitaht Abdulhamid

Serdar Deniz has played various roles in important productions of Turkish television and cinema. Especially recently, he has taken part in notable productions such as Adanış: Sacred Fight and Civilizations Documentary. He also played the character of Aleks Kallis in the 2023 TV series Kapı.

Serdar Deniz's theater career is also quite rich. He worked for many years at the Dost Theater and the City Theaters in Germany, took on various roles in different plays and proved his talent.

Serdar Deniz, who started his career as an actor of Turkish origin in Germany and continues successfully in Turkey, has a wide fan base. He has become one of the important names of Turkish cinema with his successful performances both on the theater stage and in television and cinema projects.