Who is Sadettin Hülagü? Where is Sadettin Hülagü from?

Sadettin Hülagü is a name that is frequently mentioned in the field of medicine. However, his story is not limited to academic achievements. Hülagü, whose origins go back to Erzurum, left his mark not only in the medical world but also in fields such as flight doctor and parachute expertise. Hülagü, who has undertaken important work in his field, was most recently appointed as the Chief Advisor to the President. Well, the story of this successful name and where he is from are a matter of curiosity...

Who is Sadettin Hülagü?

Turkish academician and medical doctor Sadettin Hülagü has undertaken important duties at various universities and has accomplished successful studies in the field of medicine. After graduating from Erzurum High School, he completed his undergraduate education at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine. He also received training in areas such as Flight Doctor and Parachute Specialist and received specialist training at GATA Ankara Internal Medicine AB Branch. He carried out important studies by establishing the Department of Gastroenterology at Kocaeli University and became the pioneer of many innovations in Turkey. In addition, he has received training in various countries and is an internationally recognized name. He was appointed as the rector of Kocaeli University in October 2014 and continued his duty successfully. After his term of office ended, he was appointed as Chief Advisor to the President.

Where is Sadettin Hülagü from?

Sadettin Hülagü is one of the pioneering names of the Turkish medical world, whose origins extend to Erzurum.